List of projects with vacant positions
Below is a list of the projects with vacant position. Please click on the Project title to view a short project summary as well as a description of the open position(s).
Area A
- A01: Understanding and steering nonequilibrium energy flow in metal molecule hybrids at the nanoscale
Matias Bargheer, Carsten Henkel, Henrike Müller-Werkmeister
- A02: Mechanistic studies of plasmon-induced bond cleavage and cross-coupling reactions using SERS and X-ray probing methods
Ilko Bald, Yan Lu, Renske van der Veen
- A03: Bond activation and molecular dynamics on metal nanoparticles derived from X-ray spectroscopy
Markus Gühr, Alexander Föhlisch, Peter Saalfrank
- A04: Steering chemical reactivity by non-local energy transfer via strong light-matter interaction
Wouter Koopman, Henrike Müller-Werkmeister, Carsten Henkel
- A06: Controlling chemical reactions by propagating surface plasmon polaritons
Svetlana Santer, Kurt Busch, Matias Bargheer
- A07: Light-induced atomic-scale surface reactivity
Regina Hoffmann-Vogel, Tillmann Klamroth
Area B
- B02: Two-photon processes and plasmon-induced nitroxide-mediated radical polymerisation (NMP)
Janina Kneipp, Helmut Schlaad
- B03: Plasmon-induced RAFT polymerisation as a route to asymmetrically functionalized nanoparticles
Matthias Hartlieb, Ilko Bald
- B04: Mechanistic investigation and optimization of plasmon-driven reactions by in-situ analytics and flow chemistry
Heiko Möller, Claudia Pacholski
- B05: Mechanisms of photochemical reactions at metallic nanoparticles
Stefan Hecht, Evgenii Titov