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Past seminars & Workshops

CRC Seminars in 2025



24.01.2025Olivier SopperaUniversité de Haute-Alsace"Custom synthesis of functional nanoparticles triggered by surface plasmons"

CRC seminars in 2024



02.02.2024Reinhard MaurerUniversity of Warwick"Simulation of hot-electron-driven chemistry at surfaces and nanoparticles"
05.02.2024Ara ApkarianUniversity of California at Irvine"The Nexus of Optical and Electron Microscopy: TERS in the Atomistic Near Field"
17.05.2024Yonatan SivanBen-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva"“hot” electrons in metals – when they matter, and when they do not…"
27.05.2024Sasha GovorovOhio University"Short Stories from the World of Optical Metamaterials: “What is so hot about electrons in metal nanocrystals?” DNA-Origami, The Origin of Chirality, Chiral Plasmonic Photochemistry, and More"
21.06.2024Thorsten FeichtnerUniversity of Würzburg"Potentials in plasmonics"
12.07.2024Wei XiongUniversity of California, San Diego"Ultrafast Dynamics of Molecular Polaritons"
27.09.2024Hans BehringerUniversity of Hamburg"Hamburg Research Centre for Ultrafast Imaging: Electrons, atoms and molecules in slow motion"
30.09.2024Francesca CalegariDESY"Controlling Matter at Extreme Time Scales"
11.10.2024Giulia TagliabueEPFL 
28.10.2024Christian SchäferChalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg"Polaritonics for Enantiomer-Selective Control and Enhanced Plasmonic Catalysis"
08.11.2024Florian SchulzUniversity of Hamburg 
29.11.2024Silvia VignoliniMax Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces"Colours with a twist: bio-inspired self-assembled chiral architecture"


Winter Semester 2023/2024




Zee Hwan Kim 

Seoul National University, Korea

"Driving and monitoring surface photo-chemistry with plasmons"

Christian Roßner

Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.


"cRAFTing nanomaterials: from hairy colloids to optically functional assemblies"

1.12.2023Helene SeilerFreie Universität Berlin"Ultrafast electronic and structural dynamics in nanomaterials"
8.12.2023Laura FabrisPolitecnico di Torino, Italy

"Understanding nanostructured metallic surfaces to improve light-driven processes"

15.12.2023Elke ScheerUniversität Konstanz"Charge transport through single molecule junctions of organic radicals"


Winter Semester 2022/2023



18.11.2022Johannes Gurke

University of Potsdam & IAP

“Applied Photochemistry & 3D Bioelectronics: Translating Novel Organic Photochemistry into Biomedical Engineering"


Rigoberto HernandezJohn Hopkins University, Baltimore "Spiral feedback between computation and experiment at the nano-bio interface"
02.12.2022Ki Tae NamSeoul National University, South Korea“432 Symmetric Chiral Gold Nanopariticles directed by peptides”

Holger Lange

University of Hamburg 

"Optically-induced Dynamics in Nanoscale Metals"

16.12.2022Ilko Bald University of Potsdam "Selectivity, chirality and application of plasmon-induced chemical reactions "
13.01.2023Guillaume BaffouAix Marseille University, France"Thermoplasmonics for physics, chemistry and biology at the microscale" 
23.01.2023Stefanie GräfeFriedrich-Schiller-University, Jena"Plasmon-assisted catalysis - mechanistic aspects"


Winter Semester 2021/22

12.11.2021Renee FrontieraUniversity of Minnesota "Ultarfast SERS probes of plasmon-molecule interactions"
26.11.2021Andrea Baldi  Vrije University of Amsterdam    “Plasmon-driven synthesis of nanomaterials”
10.12.2021Bill Barnes University of Exeter  “Linking molecules with light”
07.01.2022Renato Zenobi ETH Zurichtba
21.01.2022Emiliano Cortes LMU Munich"Plasmonic and photonic catalysis"
04.02.2022Pedro Camargo University of Helsinkitba
18.02.2022Carsten SönnichsenJohannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz"Plasmons for implantable sensors"


Winter & Summer Semester 2020/2021



Prof. Dr. Prashant JainUniversity of IllinoisPlasmonic Chemistry: Concepts and Controversies
22.01.2021Prof. Dr. Matias Bargheer                    University of PotsdamDiscussion the schedule of the research center
5.02.2021Prof. Dr. Ilko BaldUniversity of PotsdamPlasmon mediated bond cleavage in halogenated DNA
19.02.2021Prof. Dr. Jeremy BaumbergUniversity of CambridgeUsing light to watch molecule-metal interactions at the single bond level
5.03.2021Prof. Dr. Carsten HenkelUniversity of PotsdamAn optics view on plasmonic particles
19.03.2021Prof. Dr. Stefan MaierLudwigs-Maximilians-Universität, MunichLight harvesting and energy conversion with nanostructured metals and dielectric
16.04.2021Prof. Dr. Janina KneippHumboldt University, BerlinPlasmon-enhanced spectroscopy for monitoring plasmon-catalyzed reactions


Prof. Cyrille BoyerUniversity of New South Wales, AustraliaAdvancing Macromolecular Synthesis for 3D Printing and Surface Functionalization
21.05.2021Dr.Bartholomäus Pieber Max Planck Institute of Colloids
and Interfaces, Potsdam
An organic chemist's view on photocatalysis
28.05.2021Prof. Dr. Timothy NoëlUniversity of Amsterdam

Accelerating photocatalysis in continuous-flow reactors

11.06.2021Prof. Dr. Renske van der VeenUniversity of IllinoisElectrons and X-rays for Unraveling Atomic-Scale Dynamics in Light Energy Conversion


Prof. Dr. Katherine WilletsTemple University, Philadelphia

Measuring hot carriers in plasmonic nanoparticle electrod

09.07.2021Prof. Dr. Javier Aizpurua   Center for Materials Physics, San Sebastián   

Describing plasmon-enhanced molecular spectroscopy at the atomic scale

20.08.2021Prof. Dr. Matias Bargheer                            University of Potsdam "Recent progress in understanding plasmon driven reactions: "hot" electrons and vibrations"
03.09.2021Dr. Claudia Pacholksi
         Evgenii Titov
University of Potsdam

"Tuneable metal/semiconductor hybrids for controlling plasmonic catalysis."
"Dynamics of Photoinduced Switching and Fragmentation of Molecules"

01.10.2021WORKSHOP University of Potsdam"Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals"
04.10.2021WORKSHOP University of Potsdam"Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals"