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Department of Developmental Psychology: Welcome!


Developmental Psychology investigates age-related changes in behavior and experience that occur across the lifespan of an individual. Research examines different areas of development, e.g., cognitive, emotional, or social capabilities, and asks questions such as: At which age and how exactly do the changes occur? Which factors (e.g., in the individual or the environment) are the causes of developmental changes?

Recent research foci of our department include empirical studies on

  • (social-)cognitive development in early infancy (mainly understanding of other people’s actions, imitative learning, control of intentional action),
  • Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (neural correlates of cognitive development)
  • relations between cognitive abilities (mainly executive functions, theory of mind) and developmental problems in middle childhood,
  • development in adolescence and in emerging adulthood,
  • relations of learning and development.

Research methods include eye-tracking, EEG, and video-based behavioral analyses.


Crossing-Projekt (DFG FOR 2253)

Crossing the borders: The interplay of language, cognition, and the brain in early human development

PIER-Project (DFG GRK 1668)

Intrapersonal developmental risk factors in childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal perspective



Investigates the cognitive development of children from the age of 4 month onwards


Production of video based footage for psychological behavior analysis and stimulus presentation in experimental settings

Recent publications

Bothe, R., Eiteljoerge, S., Trouillet, L., Elsner, B., & Mani, N. (2024). Better in sync: Temporal dynamics explain multisensory word‐action‐object learning in early development. Infancy, 29(4), 482-509.

Bothe, R., Trouillet, L., Elsner, B., & Mani, N. (2024). Words and arbitrary actions in early object categorization: Weak evidence for a word advantage. Royal Society Open Science, 11(2), 230648.

Brandt, A., Bondü, R., & Elsner, B. (2024). Profiles of executive functions in middle childhood and prediction of later self-regulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1379126.

Brandt, A., Breucker, L., Keller, J.,Corman, V. M., Bethke, N., & Seybold, J. (2023). Seropositivity and flight-associated risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among asylum seekers arriving in Berlin, Germany - A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1134546.

Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N., & Elsner, B. (2024). The impact of goal saliency and verbal information on selective imitation in 16‐to 18‐month‐olds. Infancy.

Vanoncini, M., Hoehl, S., Elsner, B., Wallot, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., & Kayhan, E. (2024). Mother-infant social gaze dynamics relate to infant brain activity and word segmentation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 65, 101331.