Developmental Psychology - Ariadne Brandt

Ariadne Brandt
PhD student and academic staff
Campus Golm
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
Bldg 14, Room 1.13
consulting hours
Thursday 2:00-3:00 p.m. (digital / by phone)
Only after prior appointment by email
For questions regarding the supervision of bachelor and master theses in developmental psychology, please contact:
Ariadne Brandt started working in the Department for Developmental Psychology as academic staff and PhD student in 2021. She currently contributes to the DFG-funded FOR 5034 project based on the PIER study (Potsdamer Internale Entwicklungs-Risiken-Studie) by investigating the individual profiles and developmental trajectories of executive functions as a facet of self-regulation during intermediate childhood and adolescence. Furthermore, she is exploring the association between such executive functions and social information processing as well as theory of mind.
Ariadne studied psychology at the University of Birmingham, England (B.Sc.) and at the University of Potsdam (M.Sc.). During her studies, she worked for the STRATIFY study as part of the Mind and Brain research group at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Prof. Dr. Henrik Walter), where she also wrote her thesis on affective bias and internalising symptoms during adolescence.
Brandt, A., Bondü, R., & Elsner, B. (2024). Profiles of executive functions in middle childhood and prediction of later self-regulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1379126.
Brandt, A., Breucker, L., Keller, J.,Corman, V. M., Bethke, N., & Seybold, J. (2023). Seropositivity and flight-associated risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among asylum seekers arriving in Berlin, Germany - A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1134546.
Betzler, F., Brandt, A., Heinz, A., & Walter, H. (2021). Zusammenhang zwischen Substanzkonsum und Zwangsmaßnahmen auf psychiatrischen Stationen. Der Nervenarzt, 1-7.
Conference contributions
Brandt, A., Bondü, R., Christian, G., & Elsner, B. (2024). Stabilität vs. Diskontinuität: Latente Profile der Kalten und Heißen Exekutiven Funktionen über die Mittlere Kindheit bis in die Frühe Adoleszenz. Symposium auf dem 53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Wien, Österreich.
Brandt, A., Bondü, R., Christian, G., & Elsner, B. (2024). Transitions of Cool and Hot Executive Functions across Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence. Poster bei der 27. Konferenz der International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Lissabon, Portugal.
Brandt, A., Bondü, R., Christian, G., & Elsner, B. (2023). Stability or Change? Trajectories of Hot and Cool Executive Functions Across Middle Childhood. Poster bei der 25. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungspsychologie (EPSY), Berlin, Deutschland.
Brandt, A., Bondü, R., & Elsner, B. (2023). Executive Functions: Latent Profiles in Middle Childhood and Unique Associations with Facets of Complex Self-Regulation. Poster beim Biennial Meeting der Society for Reseach in Child Development (SRCD), Salt Lake City, USA.
Brandt, A., Bondü, R., & Elsner, B. (2022). Individual Profiles of Executive Function during Middle Childhood as Facets of Fundamental Self-Regulation. Symposium at the Congress of the Germany Society for Psychology (DGPs), Hildesheim, Germany.
Westermann, N., & Brandt, A. (2023). Labor statt Couch: Was forschende Psycholog*innen in der PIER Studie machen. Beitrag auf dem Tag der Wissenschaften, Potsdam, Deutschland.