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Lectures and accompanying seminars on digital education

The lecture provides an overview of relevant key concepts and situates the topic of digitization in a broader social context. Individual and teaching-related constraints of a (learning) effective use of digital media in the classroom as well as requirements for the competent use of digital media (media literacy) are discussed. There will be different topics, which will be deepened in the seminars "Learning with Digital Media, Media Competence, Media Use, Teaching with Technology" with different focuses. Lecture and seminars form one unit, for which 3 LP can be acquired upon successful participation.


Only Online!

Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter | 20/10/2023 -  08/12/2023 |  Friday 12:00 - 02:00 p.m | Online


The events offered by the Digital Education department are listed below. Further events are offered by the Department of School Media Education (Prof. Dr. Steve Nebel).


1. Learning with Digital Media (Lernen mit Digitalen Medien): Digital media offer a wide range of opportunities to support individual learning processes and thus contribute to competence development. However, the extent to which digital media actually promote learning depends on their design and on their use by learners. We will look at different (multimedia and interactive) media and design features and discuss their learning effectiveness for different subject-specific learning goals. Thereby, it will also be of importance how learners can be supported and guided in the effective use of digital teaching-learning arrangements so that they can benefit from the potentials of digital media.


Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter | 15/12/2023 - 09/02/2024 | Friday 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m | Room


2. Media Competence (Medienkompetenz): In the educational sector, the use of digital media can be justified from a pedagogical-psychological perspective against the backdrop of the ascribed potential for learning. In order for such potentials to unfold, learners must have the necessary competences to effectively use digitalized learning settings. The seminar will focus on competences in dealing with digital media that enable learners to participate in a digitalized world and, in particular, to use digital media for learning.


Dr. Jule Krüger | 11/12/2023 - 05/02/2024 | Monday 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m and 02:00 - 04:00 p.m | Rooms and

Florian Sievert | 13/1272023 - 07/02/2024 | Wednesday 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m and 12:00 - 02:00 p.m | Rooms and


3. Teaching with Technology: Digital technology offers a range of possibilities to supplement traditional teaching methods. In this seminar, we will discuss different types of digital media and how to effectively implement them in teaching scenarios. Additionally, the role of students’ motivation, engagement, and self-regulation when learning with technology will be discussed.


Dr. Yoana Omarchevska | 13/12/2023 - 07/02/2024  | Wednesday 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m | Room

Dr. Yoana Omarchevska | 14/12/2023 - 08/02/2024  | Thursday 02:00 - 04:00 p.m | Room


Lecture list


Lecture educational Psychology

Comment: Recommended after completing the introductory modules PSY-BS-001 to PSY-BS-004 and the basic modules PSY-BS-011 to PSY-BS-016.

Learning content: Introduction to the cognitive and motivational foundations of learning.

Target group: Bachelor of Psychology



Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter | 20/10/2023 - 09/02/2024 | Friday 08:15 - 09:45 a.m | Room


Lecture list

More seminars about lession design

1. Developing, evaluating and designing good teaching: In the seminar, current concepts of teaching quality, teaching development and evaluation are discussed and implemented and applied in practical exercises.


Dr. Jule Krüger | 17/10/2023 - 06/02/2024 | Tuesday 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m | Room


Lecture list


2. Self-Regulated Learning: Teaching and Learning with Technology: Successful learning with digital technology often relies on students’ ability to self-regulate their learning. At the same time, digital media can be used to foster and support students’ self-regulated learning. In this seminar, these two aspects of the role of self-regulated learning for learning and teaching with digital technology will be discussed. In small groups, students will develop short, practical handouts to promote self-regulated learning among pupils using digital tools.



This seminar will be held in English!

Dr. Yoana Omarchevska | 17/10/2023 - 06/02/2024 | Tuesday 10:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m | Room


Lecture list


3. Enhancing student learning in the classroom: Insights from cognitive and motivational theories: In this course, theories from cognitive and motivational science are discussed and applied in the context of educational instruction.


This seminar will be held in English!

Dr. Brendan Schuetze | 18/10/2023 bis 07/02/2024 and 19/10/2023 bis 08/02/2024 | Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00 p.m and Thursday 14:00 - 16:00 p.m | Room


Lecture list