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Statistical Physics

Eine Mischung aus blauer und gelber Flüssigkeit führt zu grünen Wirbeln und Strömungen.
Photo: Arkady Pikovsky

Many phenomena in Nature, society, or engineering exhibit complex dynamic behaviour, that usually cannot be described by first principles approaches. Our interdisciplinary research groups apply multiple techniques to such phenomena including statistical physics, stochasticity, and non-linear approaches. We describe systems over many time and length scales. Thus, we study the dynamics of nanoscopic materials (for instance, quantum dots or biological membranes) up to geophysical scales (atmosphere, groundwater) and astrophysical systems (Saturn). We are also interested in living systems ranging from biophysical processes of living cells to human motion patterns.

Eine Mischung aus blauer und gelber Flüssigkeit führt zu grünen Wirbeln und Strömungen.
Photo: Arkady Pikovsky