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Displayed in this image is a graphic simulation of gravitational waves. On a black background, these gravitational waves emit from a shared center. The waves are portrayed in different shades of blue, green and yellow.
Photo: Tim Dietrich
Simulation of gravitational waves.

Several research groups at the Institute for Physics and Astronomy deal with a number of astrophysical topics: in stellar astrophysics, our research focus is on the final stages of stellar evolution, close binary star systems and the interactions of stars. Based on observational data from different wavelength ranges and hydrodynamic simulations the properties of massive stars and their stellar winds are examined. In galactic and extragalactic astrophysics we are engaged in research on the diffuse gas component in the Universe. Using spectroscopic investigations and numerical simulations the physical conditions in the interstellar and intergalactic medium and the role of this gas in the evolution of galaxies is analysed. Our focus within theoretical astrophysics lies on the numerical simulation of binary neutron star systems, on the one hand to explore their exotic inner properties, on the other hand to study gravitational-wave signals in the context of "multi-messenger astrophysics". Finally, in astroparticle physics and plasma astrophysics we work on elementary particle aspects of cosmic objects and on complex interstellar phenomena such as turbulence. Both with theoretical methods as well as with observational data cosmic particles, plasma phenomena and their underlying physics are examined. The research area "astrophysics" stands out in particular through intensive networking with the various non-university institutes.

Displayed in this image is a graphic simulation of gravitational waves. On a black background, these gravitational waves emit from a shared center. The waves are portrayed in different shades of blue, green and yellow.
Photo: Tim Dietrich
Simulation of gravitational waves.