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Chair of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Mind

Dr. Eric-John Russell

Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Chair of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Mind

Marie Curie Postdoc-Fellow (1 July 2022-30 June 2024)


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
House 11, Room: 2.26

Research Interests

German Idealism, Critical Theory, Aesthetics, Critique of Political Economy, Hegel, Marx, Adorno, Debord

Research Project

Certainty in an Uncertain World: A Critical Theory of Opinion


2022-24 — Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, Universität Potsdam

2015-19 — Ph.D., Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University

2011-15 — M.A., Department of Philosophy, New School for Social Research

2012-13 — M.A., Critical Theory and the Arts, School of Visual Arts



Spectacular Logic in Hegel and Debord: Why Everything is as it Seems, Foreword by Étienne Balibar, London: Bloomsbury Academic 2021.


Edited Books and Collections

A Gallery of Recuperation. On the Merits of Slandering Charlatans, Swindlers, and Frauds, Translation of Jaime Semprun, Précis de récupération, Paris 1975. With an extended introduction by Eric-John Russell, London: MIT Press 2023.

Capitalism: Concept, Idea, Image: Aspects of Marx’s Capital Today, ed. together with P. Osborne, E. Alliez, London: CRMEP Books 2019.

Dead Dogs Never Die: Hegel and Marx, ed. together with F. Engster, in: Revista Opinião Filosófica 7:1 (2016).



"Why the Customer is Always Right. Debord's Spectacle as the Rationalisation of Mimesis", in: Radical Philosophy 2:14 (2023), pp. 21-35.

"Reification", in: D. Kellner und R. Winter (eds.), Research Handbook on Critical Theory, London: Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming.

"Guy Debord, An Untimely Aristocrat", in: Theory, Culture & Society 39:5 (2022), pp. 103-125.

"Nichts ist mehr das Gegenteil von irgendetwas", in: Jungle World 41, 2021.

"Pathology Reports: Interview with Cured Quail", in: Bookforum 2021.

"Dialectic in the Hands of a Handwerker: Joseph Dietzgen and the Humble Beginnings of Dialectical Materialism", in: Science & Society 85:3 (2021), pp. 360-384.

"Nothing is Any Longer the Opposite of Anything: Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle Today", in: Verso 2021.

"Georg Lukács: An Actually Existing Antinomy", in: B. Best, W. Bonefeld, C. O’Kane (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Vol. 1, New York: Sage Publishing (2018), pp. 216-233. 

"The Eyes of Narcissus: the province of reflection in Georg Lukács and Guy Debord", in: R. Dannemann (ed.), Jahrbuch der Internationalen Georg-Lukács-Gesellschaft (2017/2018), pp. 83-100.

"Living Distinctions over Atrophied Oppositions: Hegel as Critic of Reification", in: Contradictions: A Journal for Critical Thought 1:2 (2017), pp. 93-115.

"The Logic of Subsumption: an Elective Affinity between Hegel and Marx", in: Revista Opinião Filosófica 6:2 (2015), pp. 28-48.



"Not German Enough? Review of Tom Bunyard, Debord, Time and Spectacle, Leiden 2017", in: Radical Philosophy 2:3 (2018), pp. 116-120.

"Review of Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle, translated and annotated by Ken Knabb, Berkeley, 2014", in: Marx & Philosophy Review of Books 2015.



"Not finding what is desired but desiring what is found: Guy Debord’s critique of use-value", ACLA Annual Seminar: Critiques of Aesthetics of/in Use, National Taiwan Normal University, June 15-18, 2022

"Certainty in an Uncertain World: A Critical Theory of Opinion", Kolloquium, Freie Universität Berlin, August 18, 2021

"Spectacular Logic in Hegel and Debord", Science & SocietyOnline Lecture Series, June 26, 2021

"Spectacular Contemplation: Lukács Einfluss auf die Situationistische Internationale", Georg Lukács im 21. Jahrhundert, Helle-Panke,Berlin, June 4, 2021

"Domination qua Appearance: Guy Debord and the Society of the Spectacle", Praxis Seminar: Research Colloquium in Practical Philosophy, University of Lisbon, May 11, 2021

"Speculation in The Holy Family", Annual Marx & Philosophy Society Spring Workshop, University College London, London, February 20, 2021

"Indignation Over a Culture that Doesn’t Work for a Living", 9th Annual Conference of Association for Adorno Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, May 1, 2020


Scholarships and Awards

2022-24 — Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, Universität Potsdam

2017 — The Lipmand-Miliband Trust Conference Grant

2016-18 — Kingston University Graduate Research School Activity Fund for Archival Research, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, Département des Manuscrits

2015-18 — Kingston University Studentship and Faculty Stipend, Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy



Towards a New Type of Human Being? Conceptualizing Anthropological Deformation, Freie Universität Berlin, Excellence Cluster "Temporal Communities. Doing Literature in a Global Perspective", Berlin, July 27-29, 2023

Marx & Philosophy Society Annual Workshop: Christopher J. Arthur’s The Spectre of Capital, University College London, Institute of Education, London, April 2, 2022

Marx & Philosophy Society 16th Annual Conference: The Legacy of Georg Lukács, University College London, Institute of Education, London, June 15, 2019

Marx & Philosophy Society 15th Annual Conference: Capital and Capitalism, University College London, Institute of Education, London, June 9, 2018

Capitalism: Concept and Idea: 150 Years of Marx’s Capital, Conway Hall, London, October 13-14, 2017



