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News from the Faculty of Science

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Annual Program of Potsdam Graduate School online

Attention PhD and postdocs!

Oldest palaeogenome from the African continent tells of the extinction of the blue antelope

An international team of scientists led by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the University of Potsdam generated the first two nuclear genomes of …

Honorary doctorate awarded to Prof. Dr. Frank Scherbaum

This high honour recognizes the Institute of Geosciences former chair holder and his research in the field of ethnomusicology.

Faculty Awards recognize excellent studies and teaching at the faculty

Dr. Corinna Maier and Dr. Hauke Krämer received the Michelson Award of 1500 Euros for their excellent PhD theses. The Jacob Jacobi Award of 1000 …

Improve Solar Cells

Researchers in the Soft Matter Physics and Optoelectronics Group are involved in a Nature paper on perovskite-organic tandem solar cells, published …

Study shows link between climate, Earth's orbit and vegetation

In a high-CO2 world, changes in the Earth's orbit particularly impact climate and vegetation and could explain the famous "Grande Coupure" that …

Understanding Tremors Through Tree Rings

Researchers of the Institute of Environmental Science and Geography look to carbon isotopes and cell-level wood anatomy of radiate pines to understand …

How many animals are used for SARS-CoV-2 research?

During a three-months practical training at Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR), master student Johanna Kusnick from the Institute of …

Platinum hitches a ride with sulfur in the Earth’s crust

Platinum group elements (PGE, also termed platinoids) have been believed to be extremely poorly soluble and little mobile in natural fluids and many …

Prof. Sobolev new member of Academia Europaea

Prof. Dr. Stephan Sobolev (Institute of Geosciences, in cooperation with GFZ Potsdam) has been invited to become a member of the Academia Europaea. He …