Prizes for the best of the year

Leopold-von-Buch-Prize for the best Bachelor's degree of the year
Announcement of the Leopold-von-Buch-Prize for the best Bachelor's degree for the academic year 2024/2025: Application deadline until 20 April 2025
By resolution of the Faculty Council, the UP Transfer GmbH at the University of Potsdam awards the €300 € (subject to funding commitment)
Leopold-von-Buch-Preis for the best Bachelor's degree of the year
for the academic year 2024/2025 at the Faculty Sciences.
The right of nomination lies with the institutes, whereby a maximum of one nomination per institute may be submitted. The prize will be awarded to an outstanding graduate of a Bachelor's degree programme of the faculty of the year (graduation from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) for their excellent work in a mathematical or scientific field.
Proposals must be submitted in writing and in full to Office of Studies and Teaching by the above-mentioned deadline (cut-off date). A justification of the proposal by the institute as a laudation of the candidate is essential. This must recognise the quality of the results and the methodology.
The following documents are required: a generally understandable presentation of the academic research achievements, the Bachelor's certificate and the Bachelor's diploma, a curriculum vitae in tabular form with a timeline of studies and, if applicable, information on social commitment.
The jury appointed by the Faculty Council selects the award winner from the nominations. The selection is made without recourse to legal action.
Prof. Dr. Ralph Gräf Potsdam, January 2025
Previous award winners
Jacob-Jacobi-Prize for the the best Master's degree of the year
Announcement of the Jacob-Jacobi-Prize for the best Master's degree for the academic year 2024/2025: Application deadline until 20 April 2025
By resolution of the Faculty Council, the Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam hereby awards the €500
Jacob-Jacobi-Prize for the the best Master's degree of the year
for the academic year 2024/2025 at the Faculty Sciences.
The right of nomination lies with the institutes, whereby a maximum of one nomination per institute may be submitted. The prize will be awarded to an outstanding graduate of a Master's degree programme of the faculty of the year (graduation from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) for their excellent work in a mathematical or scientific field.
Proposals must be submitted in writing and in full to Office of Studies and Teaching by the above-mentioned deadline (cut-off date). A justification of the proposal by the institute as a laudation of the candidate is essential. This must recognise the quality of the results and the methodology.
The following documents are required: a generally understandable presentation of the academic research achievements, the Master's certificate and the Master's diploma, a curriculum vitae in tabular form with a timeline of studies and, if applicable, information on social commitment.
The jury appointed by the Faculty Council selects the award winner from the nominations. The selection is made without recourse to legal action..
Prof. Dr. Ralph Gräf Potsdam, January 2025
Previous award winners
Michelson-Prize for the best doctorate of the year
The application deadline for the class of 2024 has ended.
The award ceremony will take place on June 26, 2025 following the Central Graduation Ceremony of the University of Potsdam at Neues Palais.
Previous award winners
Office of Studies and Teaching
Dr. Antonia Menski
Universität Potsdam
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam OT Golm