Prof. em. Dr. Christoph Reichard
Professor (emeritus)
Christoph Reichard is professor emeritus and previously held the Chair of public management. He has a business administration background and holds a PhD in public management from Freiburg University. He worked for about 25 years in several universities of applied sciences in Berlin and from 1997-2006 at Potsdam University. 2006-07 he was adjunct professor at Bocconi University, Milan. He is member of several editorial boards and reviewer of various international journals in Public Administration and Public Management. Christoph Reichard collaborates regularly with EGPA in organizing the annual PhD-symposium. His current research activities cover for instance the organization of public service delivery, state-owned enterprises and their corporate governance, agencification and corporatization, performance management and performance budgeting, public sector accounting standards, public sector education and training.
Selected Publications
(2021) Usability and actual use of performance information in German municipal budgets: the perspective of local politicians (with André Jethon). Public Money and Management. DOI
(2021) Implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Europe. Variations on a Global Theme (with Giuseppe Grossi and Tobias Polzer). Accounting Forum. Open Access:DOI
(2021) Organization of the IPSASB, Conceptual Framework and Claimed Benefits and Criticisms of IPSAS (with Giuseppe Grossi and Tobias Polzer). In: Gomes, P./Brusca, I. (Eds.), The Challenge of International Public‐Sector Accounting Standards Adoption: The Experience of the Iberian Peninsula as a Front Runner. London: Palgrave, pp. 1-16.
(2021) The Harmonization of Public‐Sector Accounting and Diffusion of IPSAS (with Giuseppe Grossi and Tobias Polzer). In: Gomes, P./Brusca, I. (Eds.), The Challenge of International Public‐Sector Accounting Standards Adoption: The Experience of the Iberian Peninsula as a Front Runner. London: Palgrave, pp. 17-34.
(2021) Best-practice cases on performance budgeting in German and Dutch local government (with Jan van Helden). In: Holzer, M., A. Ballard (Eds.), Public Productivity and Performance Handbook, 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, pp. 335-369.
(2021) Outcome-based performance budgeting in German and Dutch local government (with Jan van Helden). In Hoque, Z. (Ed.), Public Sector Reform and Performance Management in Developed Economies: Outcomes-Based Approaches in Practice. New York: Routledge, pp. 193-218.
(2021) Civil Service and Public Employment (with Eckhard Schröter). In: S. Kuhlmann, I. Proeller, D. Schimanke, J. Ziekow (Eds.), Public Administration in Germany. Houndmills-New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 205-223.
(2020) Verwaltungsausbildung in Afghanistan: Reflektionen über ein Qualifizierungsprojekt. In: T. Hickmann, M. Lederer (Eds.), Leidenschaft und Augenmaß: Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Entwicklung, Verwaltung, Umwelt und Klima. Festschrift für Harald Fuhr, Baden-Baden, pp. 275-284.
(2020) IPSAS for European Union member states as starting points for EPSAS (with Tobias Polzer). International Journal of Public Sector Management, 33 2/3, pp. 247-264. DOI
(2019) Making sense of the users of public sector accounting information and their needs (with Jan van Helden). Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, 31:4, pp. 478-495. DOI
(2019) Auseinandersetzung mit Korruption aus verwaltungswissenschaftlicher Sicht. In: P. Graeff, T. Rabl (Eds.): Was ist Korruption? Begriffe, Grundlagen und Perspektiven gesellschaftswissenschaftlicher Korruptionsforschung. 2. edition: Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 199-220.
(2019) Performance Budgeting in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (mit Nicole Küchler-Stahn). In: Michiel S. de Vries, Juraj Nemec, David Špaček (Eds.): Performance-Based Budgeting in the Public Sector. Houndmills-New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 101-124.
(2019) Management control and public sector performance management (with Jan van Helden). In: Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 158-176.
(2019) Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform (Eds. together with Sylvia Veit and Göttrik Wewer) 5. edition, Wiesbaden: Springer. With four own articles: (1) Verwaltungsreform – eine Daueraufgabe (with S. Veit and G. Wewer), (2) Ausbildung, Rekrutierung und Personalentwicklung (with M. Röber), (3) Organisationspolitische Optionen für öffentliche Aufgaben – Verselbständigung, Auslagerung und Privatisierung (with M. Röber), (4) Personalmanagement
(2019) Three articles in: E. Ongaro (Ed.), Public Administration in Europe. The Contribution of EGPA. Houndmills-New York: Palgrave-Macmillan: (1) Doctoral Education in European Public Administration: The Contribution of EGPA’s PhD Symposium (with Eckhard Schröter), pp. 41-58; (2) Some Reflections on the Development of Education for Public Administration in Europe. Permanent Study Group 9: Teaching Public Administration (with Arthur Ringeling), pp. 203-212; (3) Accreditation in European Public Administration (with Maja Klun), pp. 345-354.
(2018) Education and Training in Public Administration/Management in Europe (with Eckhard Schröter). In: The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe, ed. by Edoardo Ongaro and Sandra van Thiel. Houndmills-New York: Palgrave-Macmillan 2018, pp. 41-60.
(2018) Rechnungswesen. In: R. Voigt (Eds.) (2018): Handbuch Staat. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 1163-1173.
(2018) Öffentliche Unternehmen. In: R. Voigt (Eds.): Handbuch Staat. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 789-794.
(2017) Performance measurement of hybrid organizations — emerging issues and future research perspectives – editorial (together with G. Grossi, A. Thomasson, J. Vakkuri). In: Public Money and Management, 37, 6, pp. 379-385.
(2017) Performance Management (together with Jan van Helden). In: Ali Farazmand (Eds.): Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Berlin: Springer (print: forthcoming). DOI
(2017) Linking Funds to Results? Evidence about performance budgets in European municipalities based on a comparative analytical model (together with P. Bleyen, D. Klimovsky, G. Bouckaert). In: Public Management Review. DOI
(2017) Die Organisation kommunaler Dienstleistungen. Befunde aus einigen europäischen Ländern (mit G. Grossi). In: S. Kuhlmann, O. Schwab (Eds.): Starke Kommunen – wirksame Verwaltung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 101-116.
(2017) Vom Programmbudget zum Performance Budgeting: Verlauf und Ergebnisse von 50 Jahren Budgetreformen. In: J.v.Lucke, K. Lenk (Eds.): Verwaltung, Informationstechnik und Management. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 141-152.
(2017) Academic executive programs in public administration and management: some variety across Europe. In: Teaching Public Administration, 35, 1, pp. 126-138. DOI
(2016) Why cash-based budgeting still prevails in an era of accrual-based reporting in the public sector (together with Jan van Helden). In: Accounting, Finance&Governance Review, Vol. 23, 1, pp. 243-65.
(2016) Variance in the institutions of local utility services: Evidence from several European countries (together with G. Grossi). In: Hellmut Wollmann, Ivan Kopric, Gérard Marcou (Eds.): Public and social services in Europe. Houndmills-New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 297-312.
(2016) Commonalities and differences in public and private sector performance management practices; a literature review (with J.v. Helden). In: Epstein, M. J., F. Verbeeten, S. K. Widener (Eds.): Performance Management and Management Control: Contemporary Issues (Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting Vol 31), Bingley: Emerald Publishers, pp. 309-351.
(2016) Becoming a student of reform (with F. B. van der Meer und A. Ringeling). In: Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform, ed. by S. Van de Walle und S. Groeneveld. New York: Routledge, pp. 265-283.
(2016) Gemischtwirtschaftliche Unternehmen: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für Forschung und Praxis. Editors: U. Papenfuß and C. Reichard. Beiheft 48 der ZögU, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
(2016) Appropriateness and Use of Performance Information in the Budgeting Process: Some experiences from German and Italian municipalities (with Giuseppe Grossi and Pasquale Ruggiero). In: Public Performance and Management Review (forthcoming)
(2013) A meta-review of public sector performance management research (with Jan van Helden). In: TÉKHNE - Review of Applied Management Studies, 2013, Vol. 11, pp. 10-20.
(2013) Does Public Administration education meet the future requirements and challenges of the public sector in Europe? Some observations from TED 6 (with Isabella Proeller). In: The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. Special Issue on Education and Training: Preparing for the future of the public sector in Europe (Guest Editors: Isabella Proeller and Christoph Reichard). Vol VI, No 2, Winter 2013/2014, pp. 11-17.
(2010) Comparative aspects of institutional variants for local public service provision (together with G. Grossi, G. Marcou). In: H. Wollmann, G. Marcou (Eds.): The Provision of Public Services in Europe. Between State, Local Government and Market. Cheltenham – Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp. 217-239.
(2010) New Public Management. In: Anheier, H. K.; Toepler, St. (Eds.): International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Berlin: Springer, pp. 1030-1034.
(2008) PhD Education in Public Administration and Management in Europe (with Walter Kickert). In: G. Jenei, K. Mike (Eds.): Public Administration and Public Policy Degree Programmes in Europe: The Road from Bologna. Bratislava (NISPACee), pp. 55-79.
(2008) Local Governance and Its Impact on Public Service Management (edited with Giuseppe Grossi and Riccardo Mussari). Padova: CEDAM.
(2008) Municipal Corporatization in Germany and Italy (with Giuseppe Grossi). In: Public Management Review, Vol. 10, Issue 5 2008, pp. 597-617.
(2008) The study of public management in Germany. Poorly institutionalized and fragmented. In: Walter Kickert (Ed.): The Study of Public Management in Europe and the US. A comparative analysis of national distinctiveness. London etc: Routledge, pp. 42-69.
(2006) Strengthening competitiveness of local public service providers in Germany. In: IRAS, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 473-492.
(2006) The Governance of Services of General Interest between State, Market and Society (edited with R. Mussari and S. Kupke). Berlin: Wissenschafts-Verlag.
(2004) Corporate Governance of Nonprofit Organizations (with Patricia Siebart). In: A. Zimmer, E. Priller (Eds.), Future of Civil Society. Making Central European Nonprofit-Organizations Work. Wiesbaden: VS, pp. 271-296.
(2003) Evaluating best practice in central government modernization. (with Werner Jann); In: H. Wollmann (Ed.), Evaluation in public sector reform: Concepts and practice in international perspective. Cheltenham Northampton: Elgar, pp. 36-55.
(2003) Local Public Management Reforms in Germany. In: Public Administration, Vol. 81, No. 2, pp. 345-363.
(2003) New Public Management and Corruption: IPMN Dialogue and Analysis (with Patrick von Maravic). In: International Public Management Review (IPMR) Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 84-129 (download:
(2002) Resource-based accounting and output-budgeting as common patterns of public sector financial management reforms (with Hansjürgen Bals). In: D. Bräunig, P. Eichhorn (Eds.), Evaluation and Accounting Standards in Public Management. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 137-151.
(2001) New Approaches to Public Management. In: Klaus König/Heinrich Siedentopf (Eds.), Public Administration in Germany. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 541-556.