Eleonora Roldán Mendívil, M.A.
Contact: roldanmendivil@uni-potsdam.de
Political scientist, political educator and journalist. Doctoral candidate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Department of Development Policy and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Kassel. PhD topic is Gender and 'race' in modern capitalism. Towards a Marxist Methodology with Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai.
Scholarship holder of the Hans Böckler Foundation (2010/04-2017/03). My pedagogical focus is on interdisciplinary work on racism, sexism, social origin/class, self-empowerment of marginalized communities, and historical education on the 19th and 20th centuries. My research interests include migration studies, postcolonial studies, racism studies, gender studies, Marxist theory, international political theory, and international relations.
Academic Career
2020/11-present: PhD student at the Department of Development Policy and Postcolonial Studies, Supervision: Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai, University of Kassel
2015/09-2016/01: Semester abroad at the Department of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran
2014/10-2017/09: M.A. Political Science, Focus: International Political Theory, University of Hamburg, Germany, Degree: M.A. (1.7)
2012/10-2014/03: B.A. Political Science; Free University of Berlin, Degree: B.A. (1.8)
2011/09-2011/12: ERASMUS at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux, France
2009/10-2012/09: B.A. Politics/Administration & English/U.S. American Studies, University of Potsdam, Germany
2008/06: Abitur at Helene-Lange-Gymnasium, Hamburg (NC: 2,5)
Work experience
2021/05 - present: Education Consultant / Research Assistant, Temporary Exhibition, Education and Outreach, Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
2021/04-2021/09: Lecturer, Seminar title: Social Change and Social Differentiation (B.A.), Faculty of Social Work, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
2021/04-2021/09: Lecturer, Seminar title: Intersectionality from a Materialist Perspective (M.A.), Institute for International Development, University of Vienna
2021/04-2021/09: Lecturer, Seminar Title: Class, Gender and 'Race' (B.A.), Chair of Political Theory, University of Potsdam
2021/04-2021/06: Organization and implementation of the open online lecture series: The 'Self' and the 'Other' in Political Theory, Chair of Political Theory, University of Potsdam
2020/11-2021/03: Teaching assignment, seminar title: Introduction to Theories of Racism (B.A.), Chair of Development Policy and Postcolonial Studies, University of Kassel
2020/01-2020/12: Project Coordinator Discrimination-Free Education in Wedding and Collaboration in Global Learning, NARUD e.V., Berlin
2017/03-present: Freelance journalist
2016/10-2017/03: Lecturer, seminar title: Racism in Capitalism (B.A.), Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas, Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
2012/10-present: Educational trainer (focus: racism, patriarchy/sexism, introduction to Marxist critique of political economy).
Publications (Excerpt)
2021/06 Rassismus, Identität und Marxismus. Eine Intervention in die deutschsprachige Debatte, mit Bafta Sarbo, in: Zeitschrift Z – Marxistische Erneurung, Nr. 126, S. 61-71.
2021/01 Materialistischer Antirassismus – zurück zu den Wurzeln, mit Bafta Sarbo, in Dellheim, Judith, Alex Demirović, Katharina Pühl, Thomas Sablowski und Ingar Solty (Hg.): Auf den Schultern von Karl Marx, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, S. 297-310.
2020/11 Klasse und ‘Rasse’ - Marxismus und Identitätspolitik heute in Deutschland, mit Bafta Sarbo. in: Chlada, Marvin et al (Hg.): Entfremdung. Identität. Utopie, Duisburger Institut für Sprach- und Sozialforschung, Unrast Verlag, Münster, S. 118-131.