Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects
Program and Flyer "Convivencia in the Mediterranean"
- Convivencia in the Mediterranean (PDF 1,58MB)
Verfolgt und Verbrannt – Mexikos geheime Juden
Uraufführung eines Liederzyklus von Osias Wilenski mit Originaltexten von Luis de Carvajal dem Jüngeren (Pursued and Burned – The Secret Jews of Mexico: Premiere of a song circle by Osias Wilenski with original texts of Luis de Carvajal the Younger).
Former recitals:
29 October 2015, 8 pm, Potsdam, Schinkelhalle, Schiffbauergasse 4A, 14467 Potsdam;
12 November 2015, 8 pm, Steigenberger Inselhotel, Auf der Insel 1, 78462 Konstanz.
Participants: Friedemann Hecht, Tenor; Nikola David, Speaker; members of the modern art ensemble (Klaus Schöpp, flute; Katharina Hanstedt, harp and musical direction); Yoriko Ikeya, piano ; Matias de Oliveira Pinto, violoncello).
Click here to view the flyer (german)