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Interim Associate Professor Dr. Mariusz Kalczewiak

Chair of Jewish History and Culture in East-Central Europe

Dr Mariusz Kalczewiak represents the Chair as Interim Associate Professor


Mariusz Kałczewiak, Ph.D. is a historian of Modern Jewish History and Interim Associate Professor of Jewish History and Culture in East-Central Europe at the University of Potsdam. He has previously worked at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, at the University of Potsdam (Slavic Studies and Jewish Studies) and at the University of Warsaw (History).  Mariusz Kalczewiak holds PhD in history from Tel Aviv University (2017) and MA from University of Warsaw (2011). He is a scholar of modern Jewish history in Eastern Europe and the Americas and has written extensively on Jewish migrations, Polish Jewry, Latin American Jewry and historical Gender Studies. Mariusz held research fellowships at Brandeis University, University of Florida, University of Haifa, and POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews.

Mariusz Kalczewiak is the author of "Polacos in Argentina. Polish Jews, Interwar Migration, and the Emergence of Transatlantic Jewish Culture” which appeared with Alabama University Press in 2020 and won the 2020 Best Book Award of Latin American Jewish Studies Association. The book explores transatlantic Jewish social and cultural networks between Poland and Argentina in the 1920s and 1930s. His second book “Man of Valor and Anxiety. Polish-Jewish Masculinities and the Challenge of Modernity” analyzes gender identities of Jewish men in interwar Poland and is under contract with Indiana University Press. Mariusz Kalczewiak supervises seminar papers and theses in modern Jewish social and cultural history and welcomes inquiries from interested students.


Areas of Research

modern social and cultural history, Polish Jewry, Jewish migrations, Latin American history, historical gender studies, Yiddish culture, Israel and Zionism, Human-Animal Studies.