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Voices from people who took classes at the ISC Potsdam...

Seongbeom K., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Korea 2024

„Learning in a new environment may be tough, but I realized it was also incredibly meaningful, and I felt I had progressed. [...] As we embark on the new semester, I feel more prepared to face the challenges ahead and I highly recommend the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" to students coming to Potsdam University as exchange students.“

Leaving Korea and studying in Germany for the first time was an experience that I was nervous and worried about. However, the "German(land)Welcome" course and the new encounters that came with it enabled me to get to know Potsdam in particular better. In contrast to the lectures in Korea, I found the smaller classes and the need for constant interaction unfamiliar. In addition, the realisation that my German language skills were limited made me doubt whether I would be able to cope. It turned out that other friends were also in similar situations. It is clear to me that growth is often associated with challenges. The realisation that we were all struggling with initial problems motivated me to actively participate in the course. Over time, I got used to the new teaching methods, was able to implement the professors' instructions better and better and developed a love of teaching.

During my time in Potsdam, I learnt many new things and discovered new perspectives. The "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" was very helpful, thanks to the nice teachers and great friends.




Seongbeom K., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Korea 2024

„Learning in a new environment may be tough, but I realized it was also incredibly meaningful, and I felt I had progressed. [...] As we embark on the new semester, I feel more prepared to face the challenges ahead and I highly recommend the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" to students coming to Potsdam University as exchange students.“

Participant DK Alice from Brazil 2022 in Potsdam

Alice E., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Brazil 2022

„I never imagined that throughout the course I would be mesmerized by the quality of the classes, the support of the ISCO team and the friendships I have acquired during these two weeks!“

All the multiculturalism of the program made me learn a lot about other countries and see the world in a different way, which is why I decided to study abroad in the first place, but the Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen gave me an immersive experience in this world before the university classes started, so now I don’t have any fears about it anymore! I feel like Potsdam is already my home, I feel very comfortable here, I met incredible people and I feel that I am way more prepared for the university’s classes than I was before the german course!

So above all, I thank the ISCO team for making that possible, because if it wasn’t for them, my experience with the city would be completely different, and since I have difficulties in meeting new people, I was afraid that I would feel alone when moving to a new country, but now I feel like a more opened person, and I am anxious to discover what the winter semester of 2022/2023 holds!

Participant DK Alice from Brazil 2022 in Potsdam

Alice E., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Brazil 2022

„I never imagined that throughout the course I would be mesmerized by the quality of the classes, the support of the ISCO team and the friendships I have acquired during these two weeks!“

Participant DK Karen from Mexico in Potsdam 2022

Karen M., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Mexico 2022

„I was able to immerse myself in the language during the program because the teacher communicated in German all the time. So we learned to really think in the language as well.“

During these two weeks of the program, I was in direct contact with the language and had the opportunity to deepen and learn about many topics of German grammar. What I liked most about the course is that from the moment we arrived, we were warmly welcomed and greeted with great willingness to facilitate our stay in Potsdam. The team, both the organizers and the academics were open to all our questions, not only about the course, but also about life in Potsdam.

As for the content of the course and the teaching, although the duration of the course was short at 2 weeks, I can say that we were able to cover a lot of content and it was very complete. Our teacher organized the information in such a way that we could see all the main topics of B1 level and even learn not only grammar but also a lot about Germany, its history and culture: We learned a lot about the main events of the country, politics and educational system, so this is also another aspect of the course to highlight.

Participant DK Karen from Mexico in Potsdam 2022

Karen M., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Mexico 2022

„I was able to immerse myself in the language during the program because the teacher communicated in German all the time. So we learned to really think in the language as well.“

Student Polina from Russia in Potsdam in 2022

Polina K., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Russia 2022

„I recommend to everyone who is thinking of joining to put aside their doubts - You will never regret it and will have a great time!“

In two weeks we went through the whole grammar level A1-A2 and put it into practice. We were taught how to write emails - it's a skill I didn't even think about, but now I believe it's so important. Our Teacher Lucy also told us many subtleties that can hardly be found in textbooks. After completing the course, I feel that I have gained the "minimum" of language for living in Germany and have ceased to be afraid to speak German.

In addition to the courses themselves, I met a lot of friendly, kind and helpful people. During the course, we always went to lunch together and sat at long tables, learned something new about other cultures and had a good time. We still keep in touch with each other and occasionally go to bars together, meet at the University campus and during the classes.

Student Polina from Russia in Potsdam in 2022

Polina K., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Russia 2022

„I recommend to everyone who is thinking of joining to put aside their doubts - You will never regret it and will have a great time!“

Petra P., Participant of the ISAS 2022 from Croatia

„From the perspective of a student who studies English and German and therefore deals a lot with literature, I can only recommend ISAS.“

ISAS offers an excellent opportunity to intensively engage with the German language and culture. The photography project exceeded my expectations, the course is highly recommended for any professional photographer!

The highlight of my summer was the seminar "German Division", in which I deepened my previous knowledge and which allowed me to look at German history from a new perspective. In this regard, I would like to thank Professor Knocke for this exciting course!

A big thanks also to Mrs. Blell, who organized our stay perfectly.

Petra P., Participant of the ISAS 2022 from Croatia

„From the perspective of a student who studies English and German and therefore deals a lot with literature, I can only recommend ISAS.“

Anna A., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Russia 2021

„The „Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen“ met all my expectations and inspired me to learn the German language intensively further!“


The last but not least thing why I could recommend this course is its nice and welcoming atmosphere. When I first met the ISCO-Team before the start of the course, I was charmed by their humor and kindness. They supported all of us during these two weeks and were always ready to help. I would like to thank them for their caring.(...) Overall, this course was a great start of my exchange year at the University of Potsdam and I will definitely recommend it!

Anna A., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Russia 2021

„The „Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen“ met all my expectations and inspired me to learn the German language intensively further!“

Yomna B, Participant of the ISAS 2021 from Egypt

„The course was really the highlight of my summer!“

ISAS 2021 definitely met my expectations, even though it was held online. I learned many new things, we all also had the opportunity to improve our German language skills, also to gain new information and knowledge. Not only of the German language, but also of the culture itself, as there were online city tours, which were very interesting! The seminar and project were very interesting, informative and helpful. I now feel that I have a realistic overview of Berlin and Potsdam! The course was really the highlight of my summer!

Yomna B, Participant of the ISAS 2021 from Egypt

„The course was really the highlight of my summer!“


Eugenia O., Participant of the Sustainable Development Academy 2021 from Argentina

„I am truly grateful that the University of Potsdam has given me the opportunity to live this unique and incomparable experience.“


My name is Eugenia and I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a student of Environmental Engineering, I took part in the "Sustainable Development Academy" this 2021.

Personally, I always consider the experience as the best way of learning in every sense and aspect of life. And these two weeks in the summer course, have left many teachings, positive emotions and above all, energy and hope to continue building a sustainable world.

Although it was virtually, beyond the physical distances and time differences between each participant, thanks to having the same convictions and energy towards the environment, a bridge was created between screen and screen that made us feel really close. Therefore, a beautiful human group was born.  In addition, the educational method fascinated me, very dynamic and interactive, always giving rise to dialogue and constructive debate.


Eugenia O., Participant of the Sustainable Development Academy 2021 from Argentina

„I am truly grateful that the University of Potsdam has given me the opportunity to live this unique and incomparable experience.“

Aikaterini M. from Greece, student participant of the Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen, Fall 2020

Aikaterini M., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Greece 2020

„The „Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen“ really helped me to overcome my fear of the language and to be more confident.“


My name is Aikaterini and I’m from Greece. I study German Philology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I came to Germany to improve my German language skills and to learn more about the culture, people and mentality of the country. The „Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen“ really helped me to overcome my fear of the language and to be more confident. Our tutor Maya Wächter teached us in a very creative and interactive way and gave useful information on the everyday language in Germany. She really changed my views on online classes. Maya and the ISCO Team love their work and everything was well organized. That’s why I definitely can recommend the course!

Aikaterini M. from Greece, student participant of the Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen, Fall 2020

Aikaterini M., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from Greece 2020

„The „Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen“ really helped me to overcome my fear of the language and to be more confident.“

Julie D. from France, student participant of Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen, Fall 2020

Julie D., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from France 2020

„I'm very happy that I chose this course because I was able to study the German grammar as well as the culture!“

My name is Julie and I am from Bordeaux in France. I took part in the „Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen“ because I wanted to be well prepared for the courses at the University of Potsdam. I'm very happy that I chose this course because I was able to study the German grammar as well as the culture. Moreover we were only ten students so I was also able to participate actively in the class and practice my speaking skills. Although the situation was a bit complicated due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we still had the chance to go on city tours in Berlin and Potsdam in small groups. Thank you for the two great weeks ! 

Julie D. from France, student participant of Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen, Fall 2020

Julie D., Participant of the "Deutsch(land)kurs Willkommen" from France 2020

„I'm very happy that I chose this course because I was able to study the German grammar as well as the culture!“

Student Ksenia B. from Russia

Ksenia B., ISC Participant from Russia 2019

„Lots of thanks for this unforgettable experience.“


„I didn't know what to expect when I decided to apply for the summer school "Debating Data: Problems and Perspectives of Digitalization" in Potsdam but it turned out to be an amazing experience! I was pleasantly surprised by the intensity of the learning objectives that we were supposed to cover in a week.

I am extremely thankful to Potsdam University for such a warm welcoming and notable generosity during our staying in Germany. It was a wonderful opportunity for me as a student to experience academic life abroad and get acquainted with new interesting people."

Student Ksenia B. from Russia

Ksenia B., ISC Participant from Russia 2019

„Lots of thanks for this unforgettable experience.“

Participant Takahiro from Japan in Potsdam

Takahiro N., Participant from Japan 2018

„In Potsdam my dreams came true!“


"I study business sciences and German as second foreign language at the Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. This August, I took part in the "International Summer Academy Sans Souci“. While staying in Potsdam, I had the chance to visit the DDR Museum, stroll along the former Berlin Wall and go to the Stasi Museum. I had always wanted to visit these fascinating, historic places."

Participant Takahiro from Japan in Potsdam

Takahiro N., Participant from Japan 2018

„In Potsdam my dreams came true!“

ISC Participant from Russia 2018

Lidia L., ISC Participant from Russia 2018

„Happy, grateful & energized!“


“I am happy to be the participant of the summer school.  I brought with me my dataset, a great amount of questions, suggestions and hesitations - I  left with received answers, plenty of new ideas and full of energy to finish my PhD thesis!

I am very grateful to Christiane, Michael, Detlef and Barry (founders and team members of the summer course “Trends in infant and child growth” 2018). It was a great pleasure to communicate with true experts from early morning till dark night.”

ISC Participant from Russia 2018

Lidia L., ISC Participant from Russia 2018

„Happy, grateful & energized!“

Olga Z., student participant at ISC Potsdam from Moldova 2018

Olga Z., ISC Participant from Moldova 2018

„I really enjoyed the summer in Potsdam!“


"The Internationale Sommerakademie Sans Souci | ISAS was so great. Everyone was helpful and friendly and thanks to the staff it never get's boring! German classes, leisure time events and culture happenings were plentyful and so diverse that I fell in love with Potsdam."

Olga Z., student participant at ISC Potsdam from Moldova 2018

Olga Z., ISC Participant from Moldova 2018

„I really enjoyed the summer in Potsdam!“