Team & Contacts

We are here for you!
The ISCO | International Summer Campus Office is part of the International Office of the University of Potsdam and YOUR partner if you are looking for a program developed especially to match your student's individual needs. With many years of experience in design and supervision of a wide range of academic programs with prestigeous universities worldwide, the ISCO knows what it takes to be a reliable and competent partner.
Head of the ISCO
Marika Blell
Contact person for questions concerning course development, cooperations and partnerships
+49 331-977-1867 | iscouuni-potsdampde | House 9, Room 0.18
EDUC Summer School Programs
Judith Rode
Contact person for questions concerning the Summer School Programs of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC)
+49 331-977-124427 | iscouuni-potsdampde | House 9, Room 0.18
The helping hands of the ISCO
Emily Quirmbach & Jona Thiere
There are diverse possibilities for students to help the ISCO team with the International Summer Programs, throughout the year. Get in touch with us!
+49 331-977-153035 | iscouuni-potsdampde