ISCO | International Summer Campus Office

The ISCO | International Summer Campus Office is a service office of the University of Potsdam’s International Office. The ISCO develops, organizes and supervises special course programs taking place outside of the regular course calendar of the University of Potsdam. Moreover, the course office is responsible for visitors coming to the University of Potsdam on a study trip.
Living an intercultural approach: orientation, studying, inspiring
Our offers and services are mainly designed for international guests and for partner universities that wish to take courses at the University of Potsdam. Our partner programs are mostly designed in close cooperation with the sending institutions to make them fit their students' needs and academic requirements.
lecturer„The global knowledge transfer and exchange of experience happens every summer in Potsdam almost incidentally here and is yet essential.“
For all of our courses, we work together with experienced professors. This way, we can guarantee the high quality of the courses and thereby ensure a sustainable learning outcome for our participants.
We finish all of our course programs with a concluding evaluation to get information on the personal opinion of each participant. These evaluations are the basis of our work as they help us to continuously improve our course offers, and to meet the participants’ expectations more and more precisely.
The ISCO is situated in the historic ambience of the Campus of the New Palace directly opposite of the New Palace castle at the western end of the world-famous Park Sanssouci. Where our course office is located today, there used to be the chamber to keep silver in the Communs, the former business facilities, which today are used as seminar rooms and offices.
Our Services..

ISCO | International Summer Campus Office
International Office
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10, D-14469 Potsdam
House 9, Room 0.18
consulting hours
by appointment