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Teacher Training Programmes

About the degree

The teacher training programme for English prepares graduates for a career as teachers of English at German primary and secondary schools  as well as inclusive/special schooling (grades 1 – 12).
Our aim is to provide teachers-to-be with sound academic knowledge, skills and tools to be well prepared for the manifold demands and challenges as teachers of English who are expected to have broad philological and cultural competencies, as as intellctuals with an subtle academic background in Humanities.
Thus, the focus of the approximately 5 years of academic studies lies on

  • Development and Variation of the English Language
  • Present-Day English Language and Linguistics
  • American Studies
  • English Literature
  • British Cultural Studies
  • Anglophone Literatures and Cultures Globally
  • Academic English
  • English Language Education (ELE).

Our cooperation with international partner universities and institutions (not only via the Erasmus programme) allows us to urgently advice teacher training students to spend a phase of studies abroad. This definitely supports their qualification by meeting new cultures, improving language skills, gaining insights into other educational systems, enhancing both professional knowledge and intercultural competences - skills that are seminal for school reality. A stay abroad can easily be integrated into the studies since credits from a foreign academic institution can be transferred to Potsdam records, and various possibilities for grants can provide financial support for such a study phase abroad.

The overall programme consists of a BA and a MA phase, both consecutively linked. So is the complex modulated structure of the various fields of British and American Studies that, next to phases of practical training of teachings skills and methods, takes students into various aspects of research of the disciplines.

Separate information on the various Teacher Training Study Programmes you will find here soon.