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News from the University of Potsdam

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Illustration on the topic ‘What does climate change have to do with the pyramids in Egypt?’

Geoscientist Prof. Martin Trauth Answers the Question: What Does Climate Change Have to Do With the Pyramids in Egypt?

We are all familiar with pictures of the three great pyramids of Giza or have even been there and were impressed by their size. And, of course, we are …
Erosional landscape of the Drakensberg Escarpment in southern Africa.

Hidden forces cause continents to rise

A research team including Prof. Dr. Sascha Brune and Prof. Dr. Jean Braun, scientists from GFZ Potsdam who are jointly appointed with the University …
Dr. Maximilian Korges (li.) und Prof. Max Wilke

From Very Old Deposits to Active Underwater Volcanos – Geoscience Researchers Study the Formation of Ore Deposits

In the DFG Priority Program DOME, it is all about ore: How are mixtures of different minerals and metals formed, which have very different properties …
Gruppe von kolumbianischen Studierenden vor dem Physikgebäude in Golm

Fostering oversea contacts – students from Colombia visited Potsdam geoscientists

The Institute of Geosciences at the University of Potsdam has established diverse contacts to Latin America for long time via study exchanges, …
Dr. Jürgen Mey (l.) und Prof. Ankit Agarwal (m.) am Ganges zusammen mit dem Potsdamer Kollegen Dr. Wolfgang Schwanghart (r.).

The Collaborative Indo-German Project Co-PREPARE – Dr. Jürgen Mey, University of Potsdam & Prof. Ankit Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Co-PREPARE – What is it about? Dr. Jürgen Mey: The project deals with natural hazards in the Himalayas. The challenges of global change come together …
Prof. Dr. Peter van der Beek

Prof. van der Beek becomes President of the European Geosciences Union

Peter van der Beek, Professor of General Geology at the University of Potsdam, was elected to serve as EGU President for the term 2025–2027. He was …
Eruption at Geldingadalir in Iceland in 2021

The telltale sound of volcanoes

Before volcanoes erupt, there is already rumbling underground. Recognising characteristic features in this “sound” is an important step on the way to …
The participants of the workshop for young geoscientists

Geoscientific Cooperation with India Strengthened – Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher at the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology

A workshop for young geoscientists took place at the foot of the Himalayas in Dehra Dun from November 25 to December 1, 2023, funded and co-organized …
3D point cloud model of the Golm Campus

From Space and From the Air, with Laser and Neutrons – Modern Sensor Technology Helps to Better Understand the World

Archimedes discovered the law of hydrostatic buoyancy because he himself caused his bathtub to overflow, Isaac Newton is said to have discovered the …
Olkaria geothermal field

KAWI KWA TAIFA – Energy for the nation – Potsdam and Kenyan Geosciences Researchers Investigate Geothermal Areas in the East African Rift Valley

Ol Karia – red ochre in the Maasai language, is a clayey, iron rich deposit found in areas with volcanic hot springs in the Kenya Rift. Red ochre is …