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Guide to working with GPT.UP

Welcome to the guidelines for using GPT.UP, which is based on the OpenAI API. This guide is intended to provide all members of the university - students, lecturers and staff - with clear guidelines on how to use this technology responsibly. Please note that this a non-exhaustive guide.

General Rules of Use

It is not permitted to enter personal data in GPT.UP or to upload documents that contain personal data.

This applies both to the user’s own personal data and to personal data of third parties. Personal data is any information that can be used to identify a person, regardless of whether this is possible through direct identification (e.g. via names, e-mail addresses or identification numbers, such as matriculation numbers and test subject codes before the respective clear name list is destroyed) or through indirect identification on the basis of the characteristics entered in GPT.UP. These characteristics may include socio-demographic data but also all other characteristics that are an expression of the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person. If it is possible to identify a person on the basis of these characteristics without disproportionate effort, this information may not be entered in GPT.UP.

Other Prohibited Forms of Use:

  • Use of the services for illegal, harmful or abusive activities.
  • Use of the services for the selection of personnel or other selection of persons.
  • Use of the services for illegal, harmful or abusive activities.
  • Use of the services for the selection of personnel or other selection of persons.
  • Violation, abuse or infringement of the rights of others.
  • Modifying, copying, renting, selling or distributing our services.
  • Attempting to reverse engineer, decompile or identify source codes or underlying components.
  • Automatically or programmatically extracting data or output.
  • Claiming that the output was created by humans when it was not.
  • Interfering with or disrupting services or circumventing protective measures.
  • Using output to develop competing models.    Violation, abuse or infringement of the rights of others.
  • Modifying, copying, renting, selling or distributing our services.
  • Attempting to reverse engineer, decompile or identify source codes or underlying components.
  • Automatically or programmatically extracting data or output.
  • Claiming that the output was created by humans when it was not.
  • Interfering with or disrupting services or circumventing protective measures.
  • Using output to develop competing models. 

What to Consider:

You are responsible for your provided input and the resulting output. You must ensure that your input does not infringe any rights and that you have all necessary rights, licenses and permissions to provide the input.


Use of services may result in inaccurate or erroneous output. It is important that you review the output critically and do not use it as the sole source of truth. Your input will not be stored by the University of Potsdam. However, if you use the OpenAI model provided by Microsoft Azure, Microsoft will store your input for a period of 30 days to detect possible misuse. After this period, the data will be deleted. Your input will not be used to improve artificial intelligence (AI) or make it more secure.

Specific Regulations

For Students:

  • Use GPT.UP to support your learning process, but do not rely solely on the answers generated.
  • Do not share any personal data or information via GPT.UP. Not even the personal data of others.
  • You assume authorship. This means that you vouch for the quality of the answer and take responsibility for the content. State clearly that where you have used AI and what the nature of your own contribution is.

For Lecturers:

  • GPT.UP may not be used to correct or assess students’ assignments. This also includes any other forms to assess students’ skills and knowledge. GPT.UP can be used as a supplementary tool for the preparation of teaching materials, but make sure to check all content for accuracy and value.

For Staff:

  • GPT.UP can be used to support you in carrying out your daily tasks
  • Using the GPT.UP-services is not permitted in the following scenarios:
    • For the evaluation of applicants and for the selection of natural persons in general
    • When deciding upon promotions, dismissals and the assignment of tasks
    • For determining the terms and conditions of employment
    • When evaluating the performance or behavior of employees
  • The services may not be used to decide upon access to the University of Potsdam or admission to specific study programs.
  • It may not be used to decide upon grants, financial support or repayments thereof.
  • It is strictly forbidden to enter confidentiality agreements or internal university documents into GPT.UP. Documents containing personal data about yourself or other persons may also not be entered.

These guidelines serve as a basis for the responsible use of GPT.UP. It is important that all users understand and comply with the rules listed above to ensure the safe and ethical use of this technology. The university can only offer this service under the condition that users do not enter any personal data.  If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact the data protection officer at the University of Potsdam (