Selke Catchment: Joint Field Campaign in 2023

The Selke river catchment (456 km²) is part of the TERENO observatories in Central Germany. It constitutes several intensive research sites and long-term monitoring infrastructure. Key qualifications of the region are the strong gradients of land use, meteorology, and topography from the lowlands to the Harz mountains. The Joint Field Campaign takes place from June to October 2023 and combines 18 CRNS stations, several surveys with mobile CRNS, hydrogravimetry, ground water wells, remote sensing, and modeling. The goals are to obtain a holistic view on catchment hydrology, to demonstrate the added value of intensive monitoring for hydrological model improvement, and to facilitate and validate novel upscaling techniques (from field to catchment scales).
Activities and developments
Click through the photo gallery for a chronological log book of the field activities