Please note: The following information is provided without guarantee, only the applicable regulations are legally binding.
Frequently asked questions
Questions? You have a question, but don’t know who to ask?
All general questions related to
Application (required documents, language tests, second degree, recognition of courses):
Central Student Advisory Service:
Phone: +49 331 977-1715
Email: studienberatung[at]
International Office:
Nadja Romanova und Fabian Wähner
Phone: +49 331 977-1674
Email: incoming-degree[at]
Enrollment (required documents, deadlines):
Recognition of courses for prospective and present students, maternity protection:
Office of Studies and Teaching (Faculty of Science)
Phone: +49 331 977-256378
Email: gslmnf[at]
For all specific questions related to the BAM program, please have a look on our FAQ page or on any of the general webpages of the University of Potsdam. If you cannot find an answer to your question, you can contact the student advisory (tutoribb[at] We will not answer questions that are answered on the University of Potsdam webpages or that are not specific to the BAM program.
Master program: Who is my contact person?
Contact persons in the Master program BAM are listed here.
Master program: Where can I find out more about the structure of the program?
In addition to the BAM websites (e.g. study plan), an introductory event will be held at the beginning of each semester (usually the introductory week, i.e. the week before the start of the lecture period). The structure and organization of the program as well as contents of the module manual will be explained. More information can also be found in the pdf provided for download .
Master program: I'm also part-time study possible?
In principle, yes, although the Master program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is offered as a full-time study program with a standard duration of four semesters and 120 credit points - and the courses are designed accordingly. We cannot fully recommend part-time study due to the seasonality of many practical courses. It can lead to substantial time delays. Legally, a part-time study is possible if you have a part time job. An application for part-time study must be submitted to the Department of Student Affairs. An information sheet is accompanied to the application form, where you can find more detailed information. Further information, can be found on the central webpages of the university.
Application: Which requirements do I have to fulfill for admission?
- In general, the prerequisite for admission to a Master program is a first professionally qualifying academic degree, e.g., a Bachelor's degree. More specifically for the Master program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, you should have obtained your first degree in biology, biochemistry, biosciences, biotechnology, or biomedicine totaling 180 credit points. Academic degrees in related fields may be recognized provided they are equivalent or comparable.
- You must provide proof of knowledge in molecular biology and biochemistry totaling at least 60 credit points as well as evidence of the acquisition of basic scientific working techniques for the preparation and writing of scientific papers and texts or practical work (e.g. protocols)to the extent of 18 CP.
- Your language skills in English must be at least B2 level and in German at least A2 level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
A detailed description can be found in the valid general or subject-specific admission regulations for the BAM program (see link on page Application, Admission, Regulations).
Application: How do I apply?
The first semester application for the Master program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is submitted via the online application portal Uni-Assist. There you will receive all necessary information for the application. You can use the contact form and phone numbers of Uni Assist if you have questions about the online application. If your documents are complete, UniAssist will transmit them to the examination board of the Master program. The examination board reviews the application documents and decides on admission approximately 2-4 weeks after the application deadline.
For detailed information, please refer to the instructions and use the links shown under Application, Admission, Regulations.
Application: Do I need a letter of motivation?
A letter of motivation is not compulsory, but in case of career changes useful.
Application: Do I have to attach a module description to the application?
This is not always necessary, but needed for degrees that were not completed at the University of Potsdam.
This applies especially to non-specialized biologists and career changers. The module description should be in English or German. The proof must include information regarding the obtained credit points, form of the modules, content, and the examination modalities. Please also read the legal foundations.
Application: Where and how do I submit missing documents?
Missing documents can be submitted until application deadline via the online application portal Uni-Assist. To do this, you must log in with username and password.
Application: Can I still apply for the BAM as a non-biologist and career changer?
Yes, you can (please read the prerequisites for admission in the subject-specific admission regulations). In any case, you need a first degree (B.Sc.) in natural sciences or related fields, e.g. geoscience, agricultural science or bioinformatics with at least 180 credit points. You need to have at least 60 credit points in the subjects biochemistry and molecular biology (or related). For newcomers to higher semesters, special conditions apply. Please carefully read the information for newcomers / career changers in the FAQ and here.
Application: Can I also apply if this is not my first Master's degree?
If you have already started (or even completed) a Master degree in a similar subject, it is required to complete an Application for Semester Placement.
Information on Semester Placement and the Recognition of Credentials
Keep in mind that if you already obtained a Master degree in Biochemistry and/or Molecular Biology, you might be denied acceptance to the Master program BAM.
If you have not completed your previous studies or if the overlap with the MSc BAM curriculum is not too extensive, your previous compatible achievements (including failed examinations, which are also recognized as failed examinations) will be recognized for the MSc BAM after the obligatory semester placement procedure, and you might be placed in a higher semester accordingly.
See also Application: What should be considered when I change university (newcomers) to a higher semester of the Master program?
Application: What should be considered when I change university (newcomers) to a higher semester of the Master program?
If you are changing university or your course of study to a higher semester, please carefully read the UP information pages on the subject University transfers.
It is important that you do not apply via the online application portal Uni-assist and instead contact the Study and Teaching Office (Faculty of Science) directly:
Recognition of the achievements and placement in the corresponding semester is carried out by the examination board. Please follow instructions on the faculty website. You can only enroll in the relevant semester after you have received a letter of admission from the examination board. The recognition/placement itself is not a guarantee of a study place. Once the letter of admission and confirmation of acceptance have been received by the student registrar's office, the transfer will take place. Prerequisite for this is the receipt of the semester fee. You have to submit the transcript of records from your previous degree program (copy) and the application for recognition of academic achievements (original!) to the UP examination office within 4 weeks of admission.
Take care of the recognition in time and please note the deadlines for submitting your documents for enrollment!
Enrollment: How, where and when do I enroll?
The deadlines for applying for matriculation can be found on the general matriculation website for the master's degree programs ( In the event that you have already studied in a bachelor's degree at the University of Potsdam, you can simply rewrite your enrollment on the master's degree. More detailed information on the procedure can be found here: ( For all other first-year students, enrollment for the master programs takes place via the online application portal. After entering the information required for enrollment, an enrollment application is created (PDF file). This application must be signed and sent with the documents required for enrollment to the registrar's office (
Address of registrar's office:
Universität Potsdam | Dezernat für Studienangelegenheiten
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 08
14469 Potsdam
Study: How and when do I enroll for courses?
The courses can be booked from one week before the lectures start (Registration deadlines) via PULS (online service for study planning and study organization of the University of Potsdam).
More information on Organizing your Studies with PULS
Students who do not yet have a Potsdam University Chip Card (PUCK) can enroll after the lectures start, but they should express their interest to participate in the first lecture week to the course organizers or lecturers.
Note that enrolling for an individual course at the beginning of the semester is not the same as signing up for the module end-of-semester exam! Registration for the module examination is a prerequisite for credit the examination. For specific questions, contact the module organizer named in the module manual.
Study: Course enrollment- assignment to a module in PULS
Once you register on PULS for a course by entering the TAN, you have to decide which official module this course is assigned to.
The choice of the module via PULS is binding. The choice can only be changed during the withdrawal period for courses. Not later.
Study: Modules BIO-B-WM13 BIO-B-WM14 BIO-B-WM15 BIO-B-WM16 BIO-B-WM17 BIO-B-RM22
Under the modules “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Practice” / “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as Reflected in other Sciences” (WM14-17) and “Current Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Local Research Institutes and Biotechnology Companies” (WM13 / RM22) it is possible to choose courses from other institutes. That means you can choose courses from alternative institutes/faculties, other than the ‘Institute of Biochemistry and Biology’ BUT the courses must be listed here (under Bio-B-WM13-17 / BIO-B-RM22) e.g Introduction to Geomicrobiology. Generally, no courses from undergraduate studies can be accredited.
You only register directly for the courses “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as Reflected in other Sciences”/ “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Practice” / “Current Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Local Research…” if you wish to participate in a course of interest that IS NOT at the University of Potsdam. If you have found a course at another university/research institute you want to participate, you must first contact the chairperson of the examination board [pabam2020(at)] and ask, if this course can be accepted (important: the credit points must match exactly i.e. for WM13/15/17 you would need one course worth 6 CP or two courses worth 3 CP).
A total maximum of 14 LP can be obtained from all the BIO-B-WM14, BIO-B-WM15, BIO-B-WM16 und BIO-B-WM17 modules combined.
Study: What happens if I take more courses than necessary?
1. Formation of the final grade
If students have taken more elective courses, they have time to decide which completed modules are to be included in the final grade by means of a so-called grade picking process before submitting their final thesis.
If the student has not been nominated when submitting the final paper, the compulsory elective modules count in the order of their completion (priority principle) until the required number of compulsory elective credit points has been achieved. For more information, see page 37
2. Presentation of additional benefits on certificate
The additional benefits are not displayed on the certificate, but only on the transcript of records, which is also part of the final documents.
Study: Organizing Your Exams
Study: Is a doctors note sufficient to declare inability to sit an exam?
In addition to the certificate you must submit a form that you can find here.
Study: How do I apply for Equality Measures?
Please note §15 of the general study and examination regulations and the general information of the University of Potsdam. The latter page describes the procedure and provides an application form.
Study: How / when can I take a non-binding exam without grading?
Non-binding Exams
Non-binding exam for the first semester of study: Examinations that are taken in the first regular semester of study and that are failed at their first attempt, are disregarded.” (see BAMA-O 2013, § 13.)
Non-binding exam in case of failed exams and for grade improvement: As stated in the program-specific rules and regulations of the BAM Master program, up to 2 non-binding exams are possible (see study regulations). Non-binding exams for failed exams and for grade improvement are administrated by the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office. To register your non-binding exam, please use only the form "non-binding exam". Please submit the completed form to the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office no later than 14 calendar days after the announcement of your examination results. The announcement of the grade equals the date of the entry of the grade into the campus management system (PULS).
Study: What do I do if my module is booked incorrectly in PULS?
Please use PULS for your module selection and booking. If an incorrect module booking has occurred, please contact the PULS service, who can help you with questions and errors. You can either submit an inquiry by e-mail or contact the PULS service directly by phone. You can find both options on the following page:
Study: How does the recognition of study achievements work?
General procedure:
Coursework in the BAM Master program is usually booked directly by the module coordinator / lecturer in the PULS online portal.
Modules can also be covered with non-subject (not originally intended for BAM) achievements from courses at the University of Potsdam, such as “Toxicology”, “Statistics”, “Bioinformatics” or “Ethics of Science”. If you would like to take non-subject modules that are not linked to your BAM program in the course catalog (e.g. in Bio-B-WM13-17), please contact the chairperson of the examination board [pabam(at)] in advance.
Courses from a subject-related undergraduate degree program as well as language courses are notrecognized as part of the BAM program, but courses taken at Zessko can be listed in your transcript when registered with PULS.
Recognition of achievements such as courses from the faculty of science, from the entire University, from other german Universities, from abroad, or professional qualifications:
Since 15.10.2019 this has been handled by the Office for Studies and Teaching (GSL):
Students submit an application form to the GSL, which forwards it to the examination board, who signs the form and sends it back to the GSL. Students will receive the processed form and submit it to the examination office together with the achievment certificates. The examination office registers the grades in PULS.
You will find the application form and information on recognition of academic achievements here.
Application form: Please enter the title of the course in the respective line corresponding to the desired recognition - please make sure that the relevant elective areas are correctly assigned. Please note: Only complete application forms that also contain all other necessary documents (module description of the achievement to be recognized, part-time student certificate, achievement certificates, if necessary learning agreement) together with the latest transcript of records will be processed.
Acknowledgments can generally be made for each module. Please check whether the achievment to be recognized corresponds to one of the module descriptions. The modules BIO-B-WM13 to BIO-B-WM17 and BIO-B-RM22 are particularly suitable. Partial achievements can also be recognized. A maximum of 14 credit points can be earned from the compulsory elective modules BIO-B-WM14, BIO-B-WM15, BIO-B-WM16 and BIO-B-WM17.
In the event that you have completed practical work in other groups/institutes/universities that you would like to have recognized for a module in the BAM Master's degree program: You will need a certificate of achievement ( in which the supervisor explicitly states which module in BAM it relates to. You can do that ONLY after agreeing with the module coordinator, before starting the practical course elsewhere.
Additionally required for recognition of achievements from abroad/ professional qualifications:
Additional data must be collected based on the Higher Education Statistics Act. In the case of recognition from a stay abroad (A) or from a professional qualification (B), please mark this with A or B in the column provided for this purpose in the above recognition form.
In addition, an abstract/ printout of the relevant module description for the achievments to be recognized is required for the processing of the recognition (i.e. not the entire module catalogue of the degree program), as otherwise an assessment of equivalence is not possible. The same applies to the professional qualifications to be recognized. Please bring these documents with you to your appointment with the Office for Studies and Teaching (GSL).
[In the case of entry A, please also print out the attachment to the application for recognition in PULS under "My stays abroad" - you only need this for submission to the Examination Office. If the corresponding stay abroad is not yet displayed, please enter it. After registration, the attachment to the application for recognition can be printed out. Before submitting the application to the Examination Office, please enter the examination numbers of the recognized services.]
Recognition of non-university achievements: In principle, no (un)paid internships or professional achievements will be recognized as a substitute for seminar or module achievements in the BAM program (unless they are declared as internships in the module and part of the program). In justified exceptional cases, extensive achievements may be recognized by the examination board as a substitute for complete modules; the recognition of partial achievements must be agreed with the module coordinator/lecturer. You must enroll in the missing courses and examination results (e.g. written exam, oral examination) must be achieved in order to successfully complete the module.
In the vast majority of cases, the effort required to generate the corresponding credit points and grades from work certificates and/or non-university certificates is not in proportion to the extent of the recognizable achievements.
Please note that you CANNOT cancel any recognition that has already been submitted to the Examination Office.
Study: Where can I find information about studying abroad (including ERASMUS)?
General information about studying abroad can be found here.
In any case, it is recommended to contact the ERASMUS coordinator of the institute or the examination board to obtain information about the recognition of academic achievements (see below) before studying abroad and to conclude a Learning Agreement.
The submission of the documents takes place analogously to the recognition of study and examination achievements through the Office of study and teaching GSL.
Study: How do I register for the beginning of the semester?
Information on re-registration (bank details, fees, etc.) can be found under: Re-registration.
Study: Where can I get the Study Prognosis for Extention of the Residence Permit / Confirmation for the Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg?
Information about the study prognosis can be found here:
Please contact the International Office first and send your matriculation number and residence to incoming-degree(at) The form will be prepared individually (depending on your residence) and the average duration of study of the respective program will be added. After that you need to send the pre-filled form to pabam2020(at) (including information about further completed courses/modules if they are not yet listed). The head of the examination board will then complete the form and return it to you within one week. Please send your request in time as it takes some time to process.
For a confirmation of the duration of your studies for the Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg, please contact the examination board directly via pabam2020(at) (including information about further completed courses/modules if they are not yet listed).
Master Thesis: How do I complete my Advanced Research Practical?
The 4 week Advanced Research Practical (5 credits, corresponding to 150 hours of work including a one page research concept for the Master thesis) serves to prepare the Master thesis, but is not part of it. The Advanced Research Practical is usually done in the same lab right before you start with your Master thesis. Please register for the specialization module under the research group at the University of Potsdam from the ibb in which you will write your Master thesis.
In principle, it is possible to complete the Advanced Research Practical in a non-university institution. However, this must be agreed in advance with the head of the examination board, who will later confirm your participation in PULS, and a professor at the University of Potsdam from the ibb, who will be your second supervisor for the Master thesis. If you do not complete the Advanced Research Practical in one of the research groups at the University of Potsdam at the ibb, it is not necessary to register for one of the specialization modules in PULS.
Regardless of where you complete the Advanced Research Practical, you must register for the examination "BIO-B-VM, Forschungskonzept für die Masterarbeit (543501)“ in Prüfungs-PULS under the name of the current head of the examination board.
The supervisor, who is usually also the reviewer of your Master thesis, must confirm your participation with this certificate. Before you register for the Master thesis (see FAQ >Master's thesis: How do I register for the Master thesis?), the certificate must be submitted to the head of the examination board together with a research concept, the topic assignment form and your latest transcript of records.
The specialization module is not graded.
Master Thesis: What do I need to know about the supervisor choice?
Based on your interests, you will make a decision in the course of your studies in which work group you would like to write a master's thesis. To do this, a total of 77 credit points must be earned and the three direction modules must be successfully completed. All university lecturers who are involved in teaching the master's program are eligible to supervise a master's thesis. The reviewers should be faculty members of the University of Potsdam. On request, the examination board can also check whether a working group at another university or a non-university research institution in Germany or abroad working in a field relevant to the Master's degree program can be considered.
Master Thesis: How do I register for the master thesis?
The general process of how to conduct your Final Thesis is described on the central webpages of the UP together with FAQs.
The application for the master thesis is always submitted in written form via the office of the head of examination board. Two documents are required for registration:
1. Please create the topic assignment form for the final thesis in PULS(> Submit Applications) and sign it. Both examiners of the thesis have to sign the document as well. The first examiner is the thesis supervisor. The second examiner should work in the subject area related to the thesis. One of the examiners should be a Professor. The reviewers should be faculty members of the University of Potsdam. If you are unsure about your choice of examiner, please contact the examination board.
2. Your latest Transcript of records ("Leistungsübersicht"). Registration for the thesis is only possible if you have at least 77 credit points and passed all three orientation modules.
To get an overview of your achievements please go to the menu item "My Documents" in PULS , where you will find all achievements you passed in your current degree program, including achievements that have been recognized or that are still open in the evaluation, listed by subject and examination number. With the "create PDF" button, you can download your transcript of records as a PDF document.
You have to hand in your latest transcript of records together with the certificate of participation in the Advanced Research Practical (see the linked document under Master Thesis: How do I complete my Advanced Research Practical?), your research concept and the topic assignment form (see the linked document under point 1) to the secretary of Prof. S. Chiantia (head of the examination board):
Prof. Dr. S. Chiantia
Secretary Swetlana Kotlik
Universität Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, house 25 B , room 0.08
14476 Potsdam Tel.: +49 (0) 331 - 977 5241
pabam2020 (at)
Pick the topic assignment form up again after signing. Please note: The topic has to be registered by the candidate within one week after signing by the head of the examination board at the Office of Student Affairs (Dezernat 2). In culpable failure, a new topic must be registered!
Master Thesis: Is there a guideline for preparation of the master thesis?
Yes, there is an orientation guide for the preparation of the master thesis.
The master thesis must be written in English and must contain a summary in German. Upon request, the Examination Board may approve writing the thesis in German.
Master Thesis: How can I apply for an extension of the master thesis?
According to the general study and examination regulations, an extension of up to one month is possible for important reasons and with the consent of the supervisor. For this purpose, an informal application (signed by the candidate and the supervisor) to the Examining Board Chair BAM must be submitted via the secretariat.
After approval, the application for extension is submitted by the candidate to the examination office. Please note: the possibility of a prolongation of up to 3 months provided for in the subject-specific regulations will be overruled by the general regulations from their validity.
Master Thesis: How is the defense of the master thesis conducted?
After you have submitted your thesis, the examiners have 6 weeks for their review. You then need to organize your defense. The oral defense only takes place if the thesis has received a final grade of “sufficient” (4.0) or better. The oral defense is graded by the examination committee in a joint decision.
Please use the following forms:
The examination committee generally contains both examiners and one assessor. The oral defense includes a 20-minute oral presentation and a 30-minute oral examination. The defense should be held in English.
If the oral defense receives the grade “insufficient” (5.0), it can be repeated once. The oral defense is open to the university community. Upon request, the public can be excluded from the oral defense.
Please note: Both documents must be forwarded by the supervisor to the central Examination Office.
Master Thesis: How do I organize the defense of the master thesis?
First, please carefully read the general and specific study regulations. All formal (legally binding) information about studying and examinations are described in these documents. If there is no subject-specific rule, the general rule applies.
The defense is "open to the university". For the defense the student must assemble a commission consisting of at least 3 people with a Dr. title. Two of these three people will be the examiners of your thesis. At least one of your examiners must be a professor. The two reviewers should be from different research groups. A commission consisting of three reviewers from the same research group is not allowed. The student is responsible for coordinating a date for the thesis defense with the commission.
When you have found a date, ask your supervisor to find a room for the defense. Afterwards report the title of your thesis, defense date and location as well as names of the commission to the examination board using this form and send it to pabam2020 (at) The head of the examination board has to approve the commission. Please also complete the public announcement form of your defense and send it to the same email address.
Please note the following:
- Composition of the commission (see criteria above)
- Deadlines: Do not schedule the defense before receiving the evaluations
You should therefore have informed the examination commission 3 weeks in advance so that there is still time for any changes and signing.
Graduation: Formalities
Important information and formalities during the period before graduation (Re-registering , De-registration)
Graduation: Graduation documents
Career orientation: practice portal and career service
The university's internal practical experience portal (Praxisportal) offers students and alumni of the UP a job exchange with internships and job offers as well as cooperation internships with partner institutions abroad. A additional information portal provides information about internships, applications and the job market:
In addition to the Praxisportal, the Career Service also supports students in dealing with the transition to the world of work during their studies and finsing their own career path. Training sessions, personal advice and various events with representatives from different work contexts provide an insight into professional practice: