Contact persons
You still have a question, even though you have carefully studied the general study and examination regulations, the subject-specific study and examination regulations as well as the admission regulations and these web pages and have also looked through the FAQs? To enable us to process your query efficiently, please only contact us if you cannot find an answer there either. Thank you very much. You can also try asking fellow students.
Who is contact person?
1. Admission procedures
If you have questions about applying for a place in the Master program, please first read the general instructions provided here. If you have difficulties with the online application using Uni Assist , please contact Uni Assist directly with your applicant number.
If you have questions regarding application deadlines, required documentation, admission process you can contact the Advisory Office for Master's Application and Admission.
International students: for any questions about the Master program, please contact the International Office.
2. Examination matters, Master thesis registration, Study prognosis:
Prof. Dr. Salvatore Chiantia
[By appointment]
Karl-Liebknechtstraße 24-25, Building 25
pabam2020 [at]
3. Course guidance for BAM-students (study organisation, study regulations, course planning, mediation,...)
Dr. Marianne Grafe (departmental advisor for BAM students)
A lot of emails that reach us do not correspond to the basic rules of business communication and cannot be assigned to clear facts or formulated so unclearly that effective processing is made impossible. Therefore, in the interest of all students, we would like to suggest some communication rules for an effective flow of correspondence. Thank you for your understanding.
1. Choose a meaningful subject for your email
2. Content of the initial inquiry: State your full name, matriculation number, the course of study, the current study regulations (old / new?), and the exact module that is involved
3. Content of follow-up emails: If necessary, copy previous correspondence with the date into your emails (i.e. use the reply button in your mail program if necessary).
4. Clearly explain the issue
5. Spell out your very specific question for us
6. Please be as brief as possible overall
7. Please add your first and last name to the filename of ALL documents that you have sent