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A team of researchers from this working group and students from course “Ecology and Diversity of Terrestrial Plants ” conducted a 5-day field excursion to Linde Research Station. At Linde, a new experiment set up by researchers from the Animal Ecology Group  (Head: Prof. Jana Eccard , PhD student Vera Kaunath ) investigates an alternative design for wildflower elements in agricultural fields and resulting insect biodiversity. For the same experimental units, our team has now collected data on plant cover & diversity as well as soil quality data. This research and the students’ participation in a genuine ecological data collection has been made possible and was kindly supported by Zwillenberg-Tietz Foundation.

research team
Foto: L. Kindermann
Research team with students in front of wildflower strip element in an agricultural field at Linde Research Station, June 2022. (from left to right: J. Valat, S. Brockmann, J. Hurtig, L. Kindermann