Simone Brockmann - Technical Staff
University of Potsdam
Biodiversity Research / Systematic Botany
Maulbeerallee 2a, R 1.03/ R 1.08
14469 Potsdam, Germany
phone: 0049 (0)331 977-1938
- Management and organization of the botanical laboratory
- Technical preparation and practical assistance of the German field research trips
(SEBAS / GCEF) - Coordination and processing of collected samples from the field trips (SEBAS, GCEF)
- Responsible for CNS (elemental analysis for carbon, nitrogen and sulphur)
- Assistance for AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry) and assistance for field spectrometry
- Support for further research projects
2021- today BTA at the University of Potsdam, Biodiversity Research / Systematic Botany
2008 - 2021 BTA at the University of Potsdam, Physical Biochemistry (Prof. Dr. Seckler)
2002 - 2005 BTA at the Capsulution Nanoscience AG, Berlin Adlershof
2002 State-certified biological-technical assistant (BTA)
1999 Abitur (general university entrance qualification)
- One of the “Persons of trust” at the University of Potsdam