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the greengade team
the greengade team
Fieldwork in Ghana: PhD candidates and master's students establishing plots, collecting samples and measuring trees
Testing the chamber system to measure GHG emissions
in discussion
Quite a happy crowd of PhD candidates within the topics of Global Change Ecology, Vegetation and Soil science, Socio-economics and Modeling, from left to right: Adamou Chitou Abdou, Christian Bougma, Binta Modi Maiguizo, James N. Ofori, Valaire Yaro, Gannouka Nadjire, Constantin Compaore, Roman Hinz, not pictured: Birba Sibiri, Famoussa Dembelle, Eunice Okyere-Agyapong
GreenGaDe consortium

Field excursion to the Bobiri Forest Reserve during the final GreenGaDe workshop in Sept. 2024 | Photo: FORIG / Prof. Dr. Anja Linstädter

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GreenGaDe consortium

Field excursion to the Bobiri Forest Reserve during the final GreenGaDe workshop in Sept. 2024 | Photo: FORIG / Prof. Dr. Anja Linstädter

Fieldwork in Ghana

PhD candidates and master's students establishing plots, collecting samples and measuring trees | Photo: James N. Ofori

Chamber-based GHG measurements

GreenGaDe project members constructing and recording greenhouse gas emissions | Photo: Larissa Raatz and Binta Modi Maiguizo

Project collaboration

Discussing project outcomes (fact sheets) during the final GreenGaDe workshop in Ghana | Photo: FORIG / Prof. Dr. Anja Linstädter

Capacity building is key

Quite a happy crowd of PhD candidates within the topics of Global Change | Photo: Larissa Raatz

GreenGaDe project: Greenhouse Gas Determination in West Africa’s Agricultural Landscapes

Food production systems contribute significantly to global warming and are responsible for 19–29% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Especially in developing countries, 90% of greenhouse gas emissions originate from agriculture and deforestation. So far, it is not known how much greenhouse gases are released by different agricultural systems and management practices. In order to provide policymakers and managers with a clear basis for decision-making, such data and predictions are essential. This is the goal of GreenGaDe, a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, runtime: 04/2021–12/2024) and being embedded in the trans-disciplinary West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL). In GreenGaDe, specialists in agronomy, forestry, modelling, environmental chemistry and monitoring, and sociology from Germany and three West African countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana and Niger) are working closely together. The scientists examine and compare different agro-ecosystems in West Africa, including forests, open savannahs, pastures and fields.


scientific report graphic

October 2024: New Publication out!

The PhD student Valaire Séraphin Ouehoudja Yaro (Université Joseph KI-ZERBO) and colleagues published their results about greenhouse gas emissions.

WASCAL Graphic

October 2024: WASCAL Workshop

From October 15th to 17th, 2024, the final WASCAL workshop (see WASCAL Research Action Plan (WRAP 2.0) took place in Accra, Ghana.

GreenGaDe, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research & WASCAL
Photo: GreenGaDe

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