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Frau mit Brille und lockigen, blonden Haaren
Foto: Sandra Cava

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Sünje Clausen, M.Sc.

Anschrift:  DigitalVilla, Karl-Marx-Straße 67, 14482 Potsdam
Mail: suenje.clausenuni-potsdamde



Frau mit Brille und lockigen, blonden Haaren
Foto: Sandra Cava


  • Zusammenarbeit von Mensch und künstlicher Intelligenz
  • Corporate Digital Responsibility
  • Digitale Ethik
  • Persuasives Design, (digital) Nudging

Akademischer Werdegang

seit 04/2023 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation, Universität Potsdam
03/2020 - 03/2023 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Informatik und Angewandte Kognitionswissenschaft, Fachgebiet Digitale Kommunikation und Transformation
04/2019 - 11/2019 Masterarbeit Teil II, University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC), London, Großbritannien
03/2019 - 04/2019 Masterarbeit Teil I, DEI Interactive Systems Group, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Madrid, Spanien
08/2017 - 12/2019 M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence, Utrecht University, Niederlande
09/2013 - 03/2017 B.Sc. Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, Universität Duisburg-Essen

Beruflicher Werdegang

04/2016 - 09/2016 Werkstudentin, Projekt-Management-Office, Accenture, Düsseldorf
03/2015 - 07/2015 Studentische Hilfskraft, Allgemeine Psychologie: Kognition, Universität Duisburg-Essen


Beiträge in Journals

  • Hofeditz, L., Clausen, S., Rieß, A., Mirbabaie, M., & Stieglitz, S. (2022). Applying XAI to an AI-based System for Candidate Management to Mitigate Bias and Discrimination in Hiring. Electronic Markets (ELMA), LINK
  • Jung, A.-K., Clausen, S., Franzke, A., Marx, J. (2022). ‘Cambridge Moralica’ - Towards an Ethical Framework for Social Media Analytics. Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), 26. LINK
  • Clausen, S., Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Janssen, C.P., Bianchi-Berthouze, N. (2021). Action sounds informing own body perception influence gender identity and social cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15(382). LINK


  • Schewina, K., Clausen, S., Basyurt, A.S., & Stieglitz, S. (2024). Information Privacy and User Satisfaction in Mobile Applications: A Cross-National Analysis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). forthcoming
  • Clausen, S., Brünker, F., & Stieglitz, S. (2023). Towards Responsible Augmentation: Identifying Characteristics of AI-based Technology with Ethical Implications for Knowledge Workers. Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS). LINK
  • Kocur, A., Clausen, S., Hofeditz, L., Brünker, F., Fromm, J., & Stieglitz, S. (2023). Fighting false information - Designing a conversational agent for public sector organizations. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). LINK
  • Clausen, S., Braun, L.-M., & Stieglitz, S. (2023). Towards More Digital Wellbeing in Knowledge Work - A Signaling Theory Perspective. Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii Internatinal Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). LINK
  • Clausen, S., Marx, J., Mirbabaie, M., & Stieglitz, S. (2022). From dark patterns to digital sludging – mapping the ethical debate on controversial persuasive system design. In Proceedings of the Forty-Third International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). LINK
  • Clausen, S., Brünker, F., Jung, A.-K., & Stieglitz, S. (2022). The Impact of Signaling Commitment to Ethical AI on Organizational Attractiveness. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 Proceedings (WI), 10. LINK *nominated for best research-in-progress paper award
  • Shahi, G.K., Clausen, S., & Stieglitz, S. (2022). Who shapes crisis communication on Twitter? An analysis of influential German-language accounts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). LINK


  • Stieglitz, S., Zerfass, A., Wloka, M., & Clausen, S. (2024). Communications Trend Radar 2024. Communications Trend Radar 2024. Information inflation, AI literacy, workforce shift, content integrity & decoding humans (Communication Insights, Issue 20). Academic Society for Management & Communication. Available online at www.academic-society.net LINK
  • Wloka, M., Clausen, S., Stieglitz, S. (2024). Das Potenzial virtueller Charaktere für die Influencer-Kommunikation. prmagazin.
  • Clausen, S., Stieglitz, S., & Wloka, M. (2023). Between fantasy and reality. Transforming influencer relations through synthetic media. (Communication Insights, Issue 19). Leipzig: Academic Society for Management & Communication. Available online at www.academic-society.net LINK
  • Zerfass, A., Stieglitz, S., Clausen, S., Ziegele, D., & Berger, K. (2023). Communications Trend Radar 2023. State revival, scarcity management, unimagination, augmented workflows & parallel worlds. (Communication Insights, Issue 17). Academic Society for Management & Communication. www.academic-society.net LINK
  • Clausen, S., Stieglitz, S., & Wloka, M. (2022). Steering behavior. The potential of digital nudging for corporate communications. (Communication Insights, Issue 15). Leipzig: Academic Society for Management & Communication. www.academic-society.net LINK
  • Stieglitz, S., Zerfass, A., Ziegele, D., Clausen, S., & Berger, K. (2022). Communications Trend Radar 2022. Language awareness, closed communication, gigification, synthetic media & cybersecurity (Communication Insights, Issue 14). Academic Society for Management & Communication. www.academic-society.net LINK
  • Stieglitz, S., Clausen, S. (2021). Digital Nudging als Instrument für die Unternehmenskommunikation. prmagazin, 12, 66-71.
  • Zerfaß, A., Stieglitz, S., Clausen, S., Ziegele, D., & Berger, K. (2021). Communications Trend Radar 2021. Denialism, Virtual Corporate Communications, Sustainable Communications, Digital Nudging & Voice Interaction (Communication Insights, Issue 10). Leipzig, Germany: Academic Society for Management & Communication. LINK
  • Stieglitz, S., Brachten, F. & Clausen, S. (2020). Automatisierte Kommunikation - Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen. prmagazin, 6, 66-71.