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Target audience:  Bachelor students, Master students
                                       PhD students, co-workers
Time:                          Wednesday 09:15- 10:45

SS 2024

Date Referee Title Remarks
10.04.2024 Carsten Beta orga meeting  
17.04.2024 Carsten Beta S1-safety briefing good scientific practice
24.04.2024 - no seminar Carsten not available
08.05.2024 -    
15.05.2024 - no seminar Carsten not available
22.05.2024 - no seminar Carsten not available
29.05.2024 Junwei Wang, MPI für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung Structural Colour and Collective Motion of Flavobacterium Iridescent 1  
05.06.2024 Jan Albrecht Approximate likelihood for heterogeneity estimation in integrated diffusion processes  
12.06.2024 Cristina Martinez Torres Curvature sensing and topological guidance in Dicty cells  
19.06.2024 Rembert Daems Variational Inference for (Neural) SDEs Driven by Fractional Noise ATTENTION it is in
26.06.2024 Valeriia Muraveva Rheotaxis: How does swimming pattern determine(?) the bacterial spreading?  
03.07.2024 - no seminar  
10.07.2024 Robert Großmann and Agniva Datte tba  
19.07.2023 - no seminar Carsten not available
24.07.2024 Veronika Pfeifer Insights into molecular cloning: Manipulation of the flagellar hook length in P. putida  

WS 2023/2024

Date Speaker Title Remarks
18.10.2023 Carsten Beta semester start  
25.10.2023 no seminar   Carsten not available
01.11.2023 no seminar   Carsten not available
08.11.2023 lab meeting   Carsten not available
15.11.2023 no seminar   Carsten not available
22.11.2023 Valeriia Muraveva Bacteria behavior in flow: look from a different perspective  
29.11.2023 Jan Albrecht Exploring Trajectory Data Using Bayesian Methods  
06.12.2023 Cristina Martine and Alexandra Faberz Torres Actin waves as mediators of topological guidance and curvature sensing  
13.12.2023 no seminar   Carsten not available
20.12.2023 no seminar    
03.01.2024 no seminar   Carsten not available
10.01.2024 Veronika Pfeifer Increasing environmental complexity: Swimming motility and chemotaxis of Pseudomonas putida in structured surroundings  
17.01.2024 Setareh Sharifi Panah Insights into Cooperative Transport Mechanisms in Amoeboid Cells: A cellular tug-of-war study  
24.01.2024 Oleh Omelchenko Activity patterns in a ring network of theta neurons  
31.01.2024 Agniva Datta AND Robert Großmann APS Practice Talk: Motility of bacteria in complex environments AND Modeling multi-state swimmers  
07.02.2024 no seminar   Carsten not available