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Colloquium on Complex and Biological Systems

Teilnehmende Gruppen:  Theoretische Physik, Statistische Physik,
                                                       Nichtlineare Dynamik, Biologische Physik,
                                                       Mathematische Modellierung, Systembiologie
Zeit:                                             Freitags 10:15 - 11:45 Uhr


Datum Vortragende*r Titel eingeladen von Anmerkungen
12.04.24 Ulrike Herzschuh & Thomas Laepple, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Investigating time-series and spatial fields from environmental archives to inform about past and future dynamics of climate and biodiversity joint event with SFB 1294  
19.04.24 tba    
26.04.24 Kirill Polovnikov, Skoltecow Polymer models for chroma- tin dynamics invited by Ralf Metzler
03.05.24   tba    
17.05.24 Gabriele Steidl, TU Berlin Kernel Methods in Generative Modeling joint event with SFB 1294  
24.05.24 Michael Tamm, Tallin University, Estonia Linguistic competition models invited by Ralf Metzler  
31.05.24 Julian Talbot, Sorbonne Universite, Paris Elongated particles under shear: the effect of noise invited by Ralf Metzler  
07.06.24   tba    
14.06.24 Sergei Fedotov, University of Manchester Anomalous Transport of He- terogeneous Population invited by Ralf Metzler; joint event with SFB 1294  
21.06.24 Yérali Gandica, Valencian International University, Department of Mathematics A structural study of social demonstrations invited by Karoline Wiesner  
28.06.24 Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Uni Potsdam Towards FAIR principles for research software invited by Karoline Wiesner  
05.07.24 Thilo Groß, Helmholtz-Institut für Funktionelle Marine Biodiversität, Universität Oldenburg (HIFMB) One ring to rule them all: Small steps toward a theory of complexity invited by Karoline Wiesner  
12.07.24 Benjamin Lindner, HU Berlin Fluctuation-response relations for diverse complex systems - from stochastic oscillators and spiking neurons to particle motion in an active bath invited by Karoline Wiesner  
19.07.24 Edriss Titi , University of Cambridge tba joint event with SFB 1294