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Target audience:  Bachelor students, Master students
                                       PhD students, co-workers
Time:                          Wednesday 09:15- 10:45

SS 2025

Date Referee Title Remarks
28.02.2025 Carsten Beta S1-safety briefing  
16.04.2025 Hans Olischläger, Uni Heidelberg tba  
07.05.2025 - no seminar Carsten not available

WS 2024/2025

Date Speaker Title Remarks
16.10.2024 Hidemasa Ishii Employing dynamical systems modeling to understand complex phenomena: from interacting bistable systems to football drills with SFB
21.10.2024 Veronika Pfeiffer Increasing environmental complexity: Swimming motility and chemotaxis of Pseudomonas putida in structured surroundings ATTENTION: It´s on Monday
23.10.2024 - - Carsten unavailable
30.10.2024 Yusuke Kato Towards the real-world application of nonlinear models: (1) analytical study on oscillation quenching and (2) more practical study on parameter estimation of Kuramoto model  
06.11.2024 Jost Kirchner Tailoring the structural color of bacterial biofilms with micro-patterned substrates  
12.11.2024 Dr. Oleh Omelchenko Synchronization Patterns in Systems with Nonlocal Coupling: Models and Phenomena; seminar for Hiroshi's laboratory Tuesday, Zoom:
13.11.2024 - - Carsten unavailable
20.11.2024 - - Carsten unavailable
27.11.2024 - - Carsten unavailable
04.12.2024 (Setareh Sharifi Panah) (Amoeboid Cell-Cargo Microcarrier – Forces, Collective Effects, and Complex Environments) postponed
11.12.2024 Oskar Mühlig Enhanced colloid transport in a Pseudomonas putida bacterial bath  
18.12.2024 Dr. Cristina Martinez Torres tba  
08.01.2025 Friedemann Türr Investigation of the effects of the axeB-gene on cell motility and cell shape in Dictyostelium Discoideum  
15.01.2025 - - Carsten unavailable
20.01.2025 Setareh Sharifi Panah PhD practice talk 2 p.m.
22.01.2025 Jan Albrecht Heterogeneity estimation in actively driven systems: From theory to application  
27.01.2025 Setareh Sharifi Panah PhD practice talk 2 p.m.
29.01.2025 Valeriia Muraveva and Dr. Robert Großmann Swimming pattern of bacteria near the surface  
05.02.2025 Agniva Datta Chemotaxis strategies of intermittently sef-propelled particles  
12.02.2025 Dr. Oleh Omelschenko On the dynamics of two-dimensional oscillator arrays: The interplay of heterogeneity and nonlocal coupling  
26.02.2025 Hidemasa Ishii Reducing the complexity of phase-field models for cell motility Wednesday at 9:15 a.m.; SFB-Event
10.03.2025 Yusuke Kato Bayesian model selection for partially observed second order Langevin dynamics Monday at 1 p.m.; SFB-Event