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IBB Science Day   19.06.2024    Campus Golm

Scientific Colloquium: 9-12.30h , house 27, room 1.01

  • Presentations of Pis and junior researchers of the IBB
  • Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Thomas Schmitt (Senckenberg Institute) „Where to fly: insights in the ecology, conservation and biogeography of butterflies“

Career Session (IBB Alumni): 13.30-14.30h , house 27, room 1.01

  • Academic Career
  • Teacher (cross-entry)
  • Environmental Conservation

Posters ofthe IBB workinggroups: 14.30-17.00h , house 26  foyer

  • Discuss your project in a  poster session
  • Time for an interdisciplinary exchange
  • Coffee, cake and games

Open end with wine, beer and 18:00 Public Viewing Germany vsHungary

Liebe Studierende, liebe Institutsangehörige,

auf dieser Seite werden Sie zukünftig Informationen und Ankündigungen im Studiengang "Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" finden.