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Call for Applications 2015: 6 PhD Fellowships at WIPCAD starting in October

The DFG-Research Training Group “WIPCAD - Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy” at the Faculty of Economic …

November & December 2014 - Anne Lange stayed in Haiti for field research

From 24 November to 23 December 2014 Anne Lange stayed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti with the purpose of conducting interviews with staff of the UN …

Workshop Series on “Qualitative Organizational Research” – spring 2015

In 2015, WIPCAD Member Prof. Maja Apelt, in cooperation with WIPCAD, is offering a Workshop Series on “Qualitative Organizational Research” …

October & November 2014 – Kai Harbrich meets with UN and World Bank experts to discuss local climate change strategies

From 13 October to 3 November 2014, WIPCAD research fellow Kai Harbrich visited Washington D.C. and New York City to conduct interviews with staff and …
In der PIER-Studie untersuchen Prof. Dr. Birgit Elsner und Projektkoordinatorin Dr. Juliane Felber seit 2005 kontinuierlich, wie sich Kinder und Jugendliche entwickeln. Foto: Karla Fritze

Das innere Risiko – Psychologen untersuchen, welche Eigenschaften problematische Entwicklungen befördern.

Im Jahr 2005 begannen die ersten Datenerhebungen. Bis heute haben etwa 3.000 Kinder und Jugendliche wiederholt an der sogenannten PIER-Studie …

October - December 2014 - Lydia Malmedie visited the IES in Brussels

WIPCAD phd-fellow Lydia Malmedie was a visiting researcher at the Institute for European Studies (IES) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels from October …

January 2015 - Basanta Thapa participated in Conferences

From 16-18 January 2015, WIPCAD doctoral fellow Basanta Thapa participated in the 7th Junior Researcher’s Conference of the German Association for …

Call for Papers: EGPA Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration, 26-28 August 2015, Tolouse / France

PSG V “Regional and Local Government” Call for Papers 2015   “Two steps forward or one step back? Assessing sub-national reform in turbulent times”  …
Trügerisches Idyll: Sansibar hat mit Umweltproblemen zu kämpfen. Foto: Birgit Zipf

Plastiktüten verboten – Erd- und Umweltwissenschaftler der Universität Potsdam kooperieren mit Sansibar

Endlose, palmengesäumte Strände, azurblaues Wasser. Dazu märchenhafte Paläste und enge Gassen, in denen sich die süßen Düfte von gebrannten Mandeln, …

Alexander Gaus took part in 8th Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis

Alexander Gaus, doctoral fellow in the Research Training Group WIPCAD, participated in the 8th Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis last …