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01/2024 - Julia Venturini

Julia Venturini lächelnd im Vordergrund
Foto: Julia Venturini

Age: 23  |  Nationality: Argentinian

Your favorite spots in Potsdam/ Berlin / surroundings?
Park Sansoucci, Brandenburgerstraße, Coffee and reading at Miss Green Bean, Viktoriapark in Berlin, and 7a+ boulder gym in Babelsberg.

The most surprising thing about Germany?
I was impressed with the usual daily routine of people here. In Argentina, the day usually ends at 11 pm / 12 pm and here I would say much earlier, but I have gotten used to it and actually now enjoy it.

Tell us shortly in 3 sentences about your degree program. How did you get interested
in your field of study?
I study Computer Science at the University of Buenos Aires since 2019. I have always been interested in technology and knowing how everything works at a lower level, so I attended a career seminar about Computer Science that really fascinated me, and that is how I ended up studying this.

Is there anything special you miss from back home?
Family, friends and my bed.

How do you keep a good work-life balance? Any advice for your fellow students?
Although it is sometimes hard to put it in practice, I would say doing something that you enjoy everyday, no matter what or how much time you dedicate to it, really helps me not get burnt-out. Also, keeping a list of all the tasks I have to complete really
helps me focus and not get too much anxiety about everything that needs to be done. Finally, getting a good-night's sleep is crucial for me.

What would you recommend students planning to come to study at UP before coming here?
If you are not used to the cold weather, I would say definitely come prepared wardrobe-wise. Also, signing up for the buddy program was a really positive experience for me. And finally, I would suggest joining every whatsapp group available or following the instagram page of the international office/erasmus (#followyourfernweh.up) so that you can maybe meet some people before traveling, be up to date with news and not miss out on any fun activities you may want to join.

Tell us how you experience Potsdam in autumn and winter?
Autumn in Potsdam/Berlin is one of the prettiest things I have ever seen. I have really enjoyed strolling around Park Sanssouci and reading (when the weather allowed it) and getting to admire the autumnal landscape. I personally love rain, so that has been a plus as well! In Argentina we don't get snow in winter, so I'm really excited to be experiencing it here during this time. I have also really enjoyed the Christmas season here, especially the Christmas markets!