Assistant Professorship for Quantitative Economics
Eva Markowsky is Assistant Professor of Quantitative Economics since September 2024.
As an applied microeconomist, her research interests lie in the fields of labour market, migration and education economics, often with a focus on gender equality and diversity. She is also actively involved in meta-science and methodological research. A further interest of hers is the communication of economic and social science research to the interested public.
Eva Markowsky studied economics in interdisciplinary programs at the University of Hamburg, where she completed her doctorate on ‘Economic analyses of language, culture, and female labour supply’ under Prof. Miriam Beblo. She is a fellow of the Joachim Herz Foundation in the Addon Fellowship Interdisciplinary Economics and a member of the Research Group Economics, Policy Analysis and Language (REAL), as well as an associate member of the research centre Literacy in Diversity Settings (LiDS).

Prof. Dr. Eva Markowsky
Campus Griebnitzsee, Haus 1, Raum 2.47