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Building 1

At the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences | Photo: Ernst Kaczynski


At the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences | Photo: Ernst Kaczynski

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Welcome to the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

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wiso.up on Instagram

Official account of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences on Instagram

Intranet site

Here faculty employees can find information on the topics of personnel, finance, procurement, third-party funding, continuing education, etc.

Start of studies

To make it easier for you to start your studies, you will find more information here

Contact persons for students

The representatives for study and examination matters are important contact persons for applicants (especially for Master’s programs of the faculty), stude


The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences is divided into five departments. Each professorship is assigned to at least one department.

Research Centers of the faculty

To strengthen research and interdisciplinary research cooperation, four research centers were established at the faculty


Information for Erasmus students (incoming and outgoing) and about the Erasmus application process can be found here.

Degree programs of the faculty

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences offers numerous teaching oriented and non-teaching oriented bachelor's and master's degree programs.


Presentation of new professors

Here you will find the dates of the next presentations of the newly appointed professors at the WiSo Faculty| Foto: Maxi Genthe

PhD at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Would you like to do your doctorate at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences? Here you will find further information

Deanery staff

Here you will find the contact persons in the Dean's Office

University library

The library's holdings are systematically arranged by subject and are set up according to the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK)
