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Child benefit and allowance

boy with piggy bank and coins
Photo: © RichVintage

A child benefit (= Kindergeld) is typically paid if you and your child have a residence permit for Germany (for details please see below) and are registered in Germany. Your child must be registered in Germany or another EU state.

A child benefit is paid at least until the child's eighteenth birthday. If your child is attending school, completing vocational training, or studying at university, then a child benefit can be paid until they turn 25. For each child, the monthly benefit amounts to 255 euros (effective from January 1st, 2025).

Families with a low income can also apply for child allowance (= Kindergeldzuschlag, short: KiZ) in addition to child benefit. Details can be found at the bottom of the page in the download box.

boy with piggy bank and coins
Photo: © RichVintage
  EU/EEC citizens and citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Switzerland, Tunesia, and Turkey Non-EU Citizens
are authorized to receive a child benefit, if: You are employed in Germany as an employee required to carry unemployment insurance, or if you receive unemployment benefits or sickness benefits, regardless of whether you have a permanent visa or a residence permit. You have a valid permanent visa or residence permit under §§18b, 18c, 18d, 18g, §19c, §20, §28, §29 or §30. You cannot apply for a child benefit if you have a residence permit under §16 (university studies, language study).
Necessary documents & information Application form including annex + Copy of your passport + Copy of your child’s passport + Copy of birth certificate for newborns + Bank information + Tax ID for you and your child Application form incl. annex + Copy of your passport and your residence permit + Copy of your child’s passport and residence permit + Copy of birth certificate for newborns + Bank information + Tax ID for you and your child

Postal Address

Kindergeldkasse Berlin-Brandenburg
14465 Potsdam

Address for personal visit - Potsdam

Familienkasse Berlin-Brandenburg
Schlaatzweg 1
14473 Potsdam

Addresses for personal visit - Berlin

Please click here to find the addresses of all family offices in Berlin.