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Research Support

a glass filled to brimming with coins
Photo: © CatLane

Are you interested in a research stay at one of Potsdam's universities or scientific institutions? Here you will findinformation from the University of Potsdam on various funding opportunities, contact persons, and related links of interest.

You can research additional funding opportunities and suitable scholarships in the following databases:

EURAXESS Funding Database

Includes more than 80 programs that are addressed primarily to scholars in the advanced stages of their careers.

DAAD Scholarship Database

Information on DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) funding opportunities for international students, graduates and post-docs, as well as other selected funding organizations.

PhD Germany

This platform from the DAAD provides information about current doctoral positions.

ELFI Database

Contains information on over 7,000 programs and about 3,200 national and international sources of research funding.

Database on German Foundations

Offers the most comprehensive information available on German foundations.

Provides an overview of 33,000 research institutions in Germany, including institutional profiles, job vacancies, and information on options for doctoral candidates.