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Voltaire-Prize Winner of 2025: Rosario Figari Layús

Laudatio by Prof. Dr. Florian Schweigert, Chairperson of the Department for Physiology and Pathophysiology of Nutrition

This year the „Voltaire Prize for Tolerance, International Understanding and Respect for Difference“ will be awarded to Argentinian sociologist Prof. Dr. Rosario Figari Layús from the Center for Reconciliation Studies at the Rhinish Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. For the ninth year in a row the University of Potsdam honors a scholar with this prize who has invested themselves in an exceptional way into social discourse, the freedom of research and teaching, as well as the right to freedom of expression. The 5000 Euro prize is funded by the Friede Springer Stiftung and presented during the New Years celebration celebration at Campus Griebnitzsee.

Prof. Dr. Rosario Figari Layús dedicates her research and social activism to a defense of human rights, scientific enlightenment and the promotion of justice and peace, especially in Latin America. There she has researched in environments of extreme violence and discrimination while tirelessly working on uplifting victims’ voices and defending their rights. During her studies in Buenos Aires, she already conducted a research project about the crimes of the Argentinian military dictatorship. As part of this project, Prof. Dr. Layús interviewed survivors of illegal incarceration and torture as well as relatives of those who vanished during the dictatorship. Later Prof. Dr. Layús focused on paramilitary violence in Colombia and worked closely with victims of armed conflict. Not only does this kind of work require courage but a high measure of ethic responsibility as well. „In her research Professor Layús has always centered the protection and dignity of the victims and made sure that they could benefit as much as possible from her findings“, panel judge Prof. Dr. Florian Schweigert stressed in his laudatory speech.

During her scientific research, Rosario Figari Layús realized that in areas impacted by violence the safety of researchers is often also on the line. She founded the international network “Academicxs en Riesgo” together with friends in 2018 to increase the visibility of those risk- and threat levels in Latin America in international communities. The network’s work is centered on promoting support and developing joint coping strategies. By now, the network counts 200 members in 15 countries and is steadily growing. Two years ago, Professor Rosario Figari Layús was elected to become a member in the advisory committee of the Chair for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders at UNESCO. There she campaigns for the development of a „good practice“-plan: By 2026 concrete tools are to be made available for universitites to actively defend human rights and freedom of expression as well as to create safe spaces for at risk researchers. „With her work, her tenacity and her courage Professor Layús embodies Voltaire’s ideals spectacularly“, stresses Prof. Dr. Florian Schweigert. „Her readiness to fight for freedom of expression when it is uncomfortable or even dangerous makes her a vital role model for us in these days.“ He further explains that, research into sensitive topics like human rights, political violence and social movements does not only harbor personal risks but also requires an exceptional clear-headedness and steadfastness.



Rosario Figari Layús studied sociology at the University of Buenos Aires and later political science at the Humboldt-University of Berlin. At the Philipps-University Marburg she earned her doctorate with research on the topic „Social consequences of criminal processes due to human rights violations in Argentina.“ The protection of human rights is one of the core themes of her work together with peace and reconciliation research, transitional justice, political and gendered violence and freedom of science. Currently she holds a junior professorship at the Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univesität Bonn.