Digitalization of the administration

In May 2019, a digitalization strategy for the Central University Administration (ZUV) [as of: 28.06.2019; only in german on the intranet] was adopted. In it, the administration sets itself the goals of
- to offer essential services in a user-friendly, service-oriented, digital and centralized manner in one place,
- continuously review and improve processes, make them transparent, and use digital systems to inform all parties involved in the process,
- to strengthen the digital skills of ZUV employees,
- create infrastructural and organizational conditions for digital requirements.
The digitization strategy of the Central University Administration (ZUV) forms the basis for the administrative digitization of the University of Potsdam. The strategy primarily defines goals that are to be implemented over the next few years. Based on the strategy, additional players, responsibilities and processes have been named to ensure that the objectives are implemented as smoothly as possible. A steering group was set up to implement the objectives. The steering group deals with fundamental decisions regarding the ZUV's IT and makes recommendations on the prioritization of the administration's IT projects.
The digitalization strategy of the Central University Administration (ZUV) was expanded in 2024 to include several aspects:
- The ZUV is consistently digitizing and transforming its administrative processes. The focus here is on central and critical processes in areas such as personnel & students, travel and third-party funding.
- Digitalization and transformation projects are carried out in accordance with jointly developed specifications. The project guidelines provide the basis for this, while training sessions and regular exchange meetings are also held for project leaders and project management.
- The people and stakeholder groups involved in the processes are regularly involved in the implementation projects in good time. Regular training courses are held for employees to ensure that everyone is familiar with new systems and processes and can use them effectively. ZUV also offers employees opportunities to develop their digital skills outside of specific implementation projects.
- The systems and projects are implemented in accordance with current IT security standards.
- The possibilities of digitalization should be available to all members of the University of Potsdam. Access to digital services as well as their presentation and usability are designed in such a way that exclusion effects are avoided as far as possible.
- The rapid development of artificial intelligence, the amount of data collected and the increasing performance of systems are being used as part of the digital transformation. However, they are always used in the sense of responsibility for protecting the right to informational self-determination. Systems and processes are only set up with the necessary data.
- The digital transformation must not be implemented at the expense of natural resources. The sustainability of systems and processes is a key aspect in the planning of digitalization and transformation projects.
Until the evaluation in 2028, both parts apply in combination.