Dissertations & theses
Walz, Constantin
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in highly magnetostrictive thin films
Master thesis
Mattern, Maximilian
Insights into laser-induced magnetization dynamics using picosecond ultrasonics with x-ray diffraction
PhD thesis
Baltrusch, Florian
Laser-induced magnetostriction in rare-earth metals probed by UXRD
Master thesis
Weber, Fried-Conrad
Magnetization precession in 3D metals: the role of heat and strain
Master thesis
Scheibe, Jona
Herstellung von Polymethylmethacrylat Kavitäten zur Beobachtung starker Kopplung an Vibrationsübergängen
Bachelor thesis
Kutschera, Jan
Origin of the SERS Background and its Potential as Nanothermometer
Master thesis
Jarecki, Jasmin
Magnetization Dynamics in Metallic Heterostructures studied by a combination of tr-MOKE and UXRD
Master thesis
Zeuschner, Steffen Peer
Magnetoacoustics observed with Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction
PhD thesis
Baltrusch, Florian
Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines NOPAs im nahen bis mittleren infraroten Spektralbereich
Bachelor thesis
Forster, Konstantin
Der photoinduzierte Isolator-Metall-Übergang bei NbO2
Bachelor thesis
Wübbenhorst, Mareike
Plasmon-driven chemistry: The role of particle size in the reduction of ferricyanide
Bachelor thesis
von Reppert, Alexander
Magnetic strain contributions in laser-excited metals studied by time-resolved X-ray diffraction
PhD thesis
Weber, Fried
Light-induced magnitization dynamics in Nickel under different excitation conditions
Bachelor thesis
Müller, Johannes
Transient grating excitation of phonon-polaritons in a LiNbO3 waveguide
Bachelor thesis
Vogel, Alexander
Einfluss ultrakurzer Laserpulse auf die Schaltprozesse von Ferroelektrika
Bachelor thesis
Volkers, Nils
Messung optischer Phononen in Bismut mittels zeitaufgelöster Röntgenbeugung
Bachelor thesis
Stockmann, Gregor
Plasmonen-assistierte Katalyse mit zeitlich modulierter Laseranregung
Bachelor thesis
Jarecki, Jasmin
Breitbandige zeitaufgeloste Brillouin-Streuung an transversalen Phononen
Bachelor thesis
Mattern, Maximilian
Grüneisen model of ultrafast stress in magnetic materials: Evidence from ultrafast x-ray diffraction experiment
Master thesis
Schoßau, Phillip Gerald
Dunkelfeldspektroskopie am gekoppelten Plasmon-Exziton-Nanosystem
Master thesis
Stete, Felix
Gold at the nanoscale - Plasmon-exciton coupling and optical heating
PhD thesis
Pudell, Jan-Etienne
Lattice dynamics observed with x-ray diffraction
PhD thesis
Nitzsche, Renée Andrea
Pump-Probe Experimente an dünnen Goldfilmen
Bachelor thesis
Willig, Lisa
Ultrafast magneto-optical studies of remagnetisation dynamics in transition metals
PhD thesis
Sarhan, Radwan M.
The importance of plasmonic heating for the plasmondriven photodimerization of 4-nitrothiophenol
PhD thesis
Shcherbakov, Andrii
Building the Noncollinear Optical Parametric Amplifier at the KMC3-XPP beamline of the BESSY II synchrotron
Master thesis (Le Mans Univ.)
Kwamen, Christelle
Investigating the dynamics of polarization reversal in ferroelectric thin films by time-resolved x-ray diffraction
PhD thesis
Koç, Azize
Ultrafast X-Ray studies on the non-equilibrium of the magnetic and phononic system in heavy rare-earths
PhD thesis
Haberjoh, Johannes Paul
Ultraschneller Magnetooptischer Kerr-Effekt an dünnen kontinuierlichen und granularen FePt-Schichten
Master thesis
Sander, Mathias
Ultrafast tailored strain fields in nanostructures
PhD thesis
Kirchner, Julia
Ultraschnelle Akustik in Azobenzen-Nanostrukturen
Bachelor thesis
Mattern, Maximilian
Hyperschall und akustische Solitonen in Dysprosiumscandat
Bachelor thesis
Zeuschner, Steffen
Magnetostriction and timeresolved X-ray diffraction on TbFe2
Master thesis
Pavlenko, Elena
Hybrid nanolayer architectures for ultrafast acousto-plasmonics in soft matter
PhD thesis
Leisering, Philipp
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen von Hyperschallwellen in Dysprosium-Scandat und Galliumarsenid im Hinblick auf Solitonen
Master thesis
Bojahr, André
Hypersound Interaction Studied by Time-Resolved Inelastic Light and X-Ray Scattering
PhD thesis
von Reppert, Alexander
Ultrafast Magnetostriction in Dysprosium studied by Femtosecond X-Ray diffraction
Master thesis
Mitzscherling, Steffen
Polyelectrolyte Multilayers for Plasmonics and Picosecond Ultrasonics
PhD thesis
Pudell, Jan-Etienne
Ultraschnelle Magnetostriktion von antiferromagnetischem Holmium
Master thesis
Kuxhaus, Viktor
Breitbandige zeitaufgelöste Brillouin-Streuung an Perovskiten
Diploma thesis
Maerten, Lena
Spectroscopic Perspectives on Ultrafast Coupling Phenomena in Perovskite Oxides
PhD thesis
Stete, Felix
Single particle spectroscopy using a scattering scanning near field optical microscope
Diploma thesis
Goldshteyn, Jewgenij
Frequency-Resolved Ultrafast Dynamics of Phonon Polariton Wavepackets in the Ferroelectric Crystals LiNbO3 and LiTaO3
PhD thesis
Sander, Matthias
Spektral durchstimmbare Pump-Probe-Experimente an Nanoschichtsystemen
Diploma thesis
Gohlke, Matthias
One-Dimensional Model for Phonon Wavepacket Propagation in Ferroelectric Solids
Diploma thesis
Schick, Daniel
Ultrafast Lattice Dynamics in Photoexcited Nanostructures
PhD thesis
Paulke, Andreas
Transient Conductivity Measurements using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
Diploma thesis
Titze, Florian
Optische Ultrakurzzeitspektroskopie an Phononen in Übergitterstrukturen
Diploma thesis
von Reppert, Alexander
Ultrafast dynamics of azobenzene in polyelectrolyte thin films
Bachelor thesis
Herzog, Marc
Structural Dynamics of Photoexcited Nanolayered Perovskites Studied by Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction
PhD thesis
Kiel, Mareike
Static and Ultrafast Optical Properties of Nanolayered Composites
PhD thesis
Klötzer, Madlen
Wechselwirkung und Reichweite von lokalisierten Oberflächenplasmonen
Diploma thesis
Bojahr, André
Hochsensitive Pump-Probe-Spektroskopie an Übergittern
Diploma thesis
Mitzscherling, Steffen
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Nanoschichtsystemen aus Polyelektrolyten und Goldpartikeln
Diploma thesis
Herzog, Marc
Forces on mobile optical elements in a ring cavity
Diploma thesis
Bargheer, Matias
Ultrafast photodynamics in condensed phase: ClF, Cl2 and I2 in solid rare gases
PhD thesis