MD candidates, Master and Bachelor Students
Benedict Bohnen
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge
"Einfluss von Polypharmazie auf die Selenoproteinbiosynthese"
supervised by Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg
Charité - University Hospital Berlin
Institute for Experimental Endocrinology
Suedring 10, CVK
13353 Berlin

Sarah Kräplin
Master Thesis in TraceAge
„Impact of selenium, copper and zinc on NF-kB signalling” (working title)
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Institute of Nutrition
Department of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
Dornburgerstr. 24
07743 Jena
Lisa Naperkowski
Master Thesis in TraceAge
"Interaction of trace elements in human cells"
supervised by Prof. Dr. Julia Bornhorst
University of Wuppertal
Food Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Katja Schirl
Master Thesis in TraceAge
“Copper and selenium status and related biomarkers in mouse feeding studies” (working title)
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Institute of Nutrition
Department of Molecular Nutritional Physiology
Dornburgerstr. 24
07743 Jena
Julian Seelig
MD candidate
“Selenium and copper status - potential signposts for neurological remission after traumatic spinal cord injury.”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg
Charité - University Hospital Berlin
Institute for Experimental Endocrinology
Suedring 10, CVK
13353 Berlin