
Johanna Adolf
Master Thesis in TraceAge (2019)
„Selenium supply and differentiation of immune cells using the THP-1 cell culture model”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Julia Baudry
Postdoctoral Researcher in TraceAge (2017-2019)
Postdoctoral Researcher at EREN (France)
Équipe de Recherche en Épidémiologie Nutritionnelle (EREN)
Inserm U1153 /Inrae 1125/Cnam/Université Sorbonne Paris Nord,
Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie et Biostatistique Sorbonne Paris Cité (CRESS)
Marie Demmler
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge (2018)
„Modification of selenoenzyme activities by selenium and copper using HT-29 cells“
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Saksia Diezel
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge
"Interferenz von Medikamenten auf die Selenoproteinsynthese"
supervised by Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg
Christian L. Görlich
MD candidate in TraceAge (2019)
„Selenium Status in Pediatric Patients in Germany”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg

Natalie Hasl
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge (2019)
„Impact of culture conditions with different fetal bovine serum concentrations on supply with zinc and selenium in HepG2 cells”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Anne-Christine Krüger
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge
„Spurenelemente in jungen und alten Rottweiler Hunden: als Biomarker gesunden Alterns“
supervised by Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg
Sebastian Mehl
MD candidate in TraceAge (2019)
“Cross-sectional analysis of trace element status in thyroid disease.”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg

Vivien Michaelis
Master Thesis in TraceAge (2018)
"Homeostasis of aging associated trace elements in the nematode C. elegans"
PhD student in the group of Prof. Dr. Julia Bornhorst
University of Wuppertal
Food Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal
Felicitas Möde
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge (2020)
„Impact of copper depletion and supplementation on the concentration of copper and zinc in HepG2 cells“
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Aldina Murić
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge
"Analyse zur Bedeutung des Selenstatus für pulmonale Hypertonie"
supervised by Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg
Michaela Reuss
Master Thesis in TraceAge (2019, including lab-exchange 05/19)
„Trace elements analytics and how chelators affect their concentrations”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp

Verena Ridolfi
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge (2019)
„Impact of culture conditions with different fetal bovine serum concentrations on the supply with copper and selenium in HepG2 cells”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Theresa Weimann
Bachelor Thesis in TraceAge (2019)
„Stability of selenoproteins under selenium depletion in HepG2 cells”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp

Johanna Wiest
Master Thesis in TraceAge (2018, including lab-exchange)
„Supply with selenium, copper, zinc, and iron during the MoKaRi study”
supervised by Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Lisa Wolf
Master Thesis in Trace Age (2019)
„Impact of copper, zinc and selenium on the activity of redox sensitive, cellular proteins“