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Publikationen 2015


  • Braun M, Kratzenstein S, Kotsch P, Mayer F. Retrospektive Analyse des Eisenstatus von heranwachsenden Athleten im Längsschnitt. Dt Zeisch Sportmed 2015; 66 (7-8); 210
  • Braun M, Moser O, Otto C, Kratzenstein S, Ruessmann A, Messerschmidt J, Marusch F, Mayer F. Comparison of carbohydrate and fat oxidation rates during maximal incremental cycle ergometer exercise testing in obese and lean adults. Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science (ECSS). At Malmö, Sweden. 2015, June 24. - 27.
  • De Souza Silveira R, Kopinski S, Mayer F, Carlsohn A. Influence of Pre-exercise Carbohydrate Ingestion on Substrate Oxidation Patterns During Running Bouts with Standardized Intensity threshold. (ACSM meeting, 2015).
  • Cassel M, Intziegianni K, Risch L, Mayer F: Die sonographische Sehnen-Strukturanalyse Dtsch Z Sportmed (2015) 66;7-8: 186
  • Cassel M, Mueller J, Messerschmidt J, John M, Otto C, Mueller S, Mayer F: Einfluss sportlicher Belastung auf die Achilles- und Patellasehnen-Dicke bei Nachwuchsathleten. Dtsch Z Sportmed (2015) 66;7-8: 190
  • Engel T, Mueller J, Intziegienna K, Kopinski S, Mueller S, Mayer F. Evaluation der muskulären Rumpfaktivität unter Gangperturbationen bei Personen mit Rückenschmerzen. Jahrestagung DVS Sektion Biomechanik, Berlin Germany, 26.-28. März 2015
  • Kratzenstein S, Carlsohn A, Heydenreich J, Braun M, Mayer F. Nahrungsergänzungsmitteleinnahme bei Nachwuchsleistungssportlern im Längsschnitt. Dt Zeitsch Sportmed 2015; 66 (7-8); 204
  • Kratzenstein S, Moser O, Otto C, Braun M, Lawrence J, Kotsch P, Marusch F, Mayer  F. Comparison of carbohydrate and fat oxidation after  maximal incremental cycle ergometer exercise testing in obese and lean adults. University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany), Ernst von Bergmann Klinikum (Potsdam, Germany) (submitted ECSS Conference 2015).
  • Mueller J, Engel T, Mueller S, Stoll J, Intziegianni K, Mayer F. Neuromuskuläre Reaktion des Rumpfes auf differenzierte Ganzkörperperturbationen. Deutscher Sportärztekongress (DGSP). Frankfurt Main, Deutschland, 11.-12. September 2015.
  • Mueller J, Mueller S, Engel T, Reschke A, Bauer H, Mayer F. Stumbling reactions during perturbed walking: Neuromuscular Activity and 3-D Kinematics of the Trunk – A Pilot Study. Workshop: Spine Loading and Deformation 2015. Berlin, Germany, July 2-4, 2015.
  • Mueller S, Stoll J, Mueller J, Cassel M, Mayer F: Die Aktivität der Rumpfmuskulatur im Drop Jump bei Nachwuchsathleten abhängig von Rückenschmerzen. Dtsch Z Sportmed (2015) 66;7-8: 217
  • Rabe S, Intziegianni K, Stoll J, Mayer F, Association between thigh muscle coactivation and movement precision of lower limbs on the Dynamic Leg Press.  Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, At Glasgow 2015, Vol 25
  • Rector MV, Kotsch P, Messerschmidt J, Mayer F. A comparison of methods for the determination of left ventricular myocardial mass in adolescent athletes. 62nd American College of Sports Medicine Conference. San Diego, California, USA. May 26-30, 2015.  [Submitted and accepted].
  • Wang V, Cassel M, Mayer F, Wippert P: Colorado Injury Report System results and its new indexes in the Risk-IQ survey for elite athletes. Dtsch Z Sportmed (2015) 66;7-8: 174
  • Wang V, Cassel M, Verch R, Silis M, Mayer F; Correlation and interaction of training environment factors and injury incidence outcomes in the risk of injury questionnaire (Risk-IQ) for elite athlete; European J Sport Medicine 3(S1) 2015 p68-69
  • Wang V, Reschke A, Intziegianni K, Mayer F, Wippert P. Injury frequency and risk factors on elite athlete: the Influence of medical care providers’ availablities. 9th International Baltic Sports Medicine Conference, At Tartu, Estonia. 2015
  • Weiffen A, Rector MV, Cellini C, Wippert  PM. As less stress as possible in medical procedures! Pain catastrophizing, stress and pain perception in children: A case study. Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Ärztliche Psychotherapie. Berlin, Germany. March 25-28, 2015. [Submitted and accepted].
  • Wochatz M, Rabe S, Wolter M, Kopinski S, Mueller S, Mayer F. Inter-Session Reliabilty of Scapular Muscle Activity during Isokinetic Testing of Shzoulder Flexion and Extension in the Scapula Plane. Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB 2015 Congress XXV). At Glasgow, Scottland. July 12 - 16, 2015.




  • Cassel M, Baur H, Hirschmueller A, Carlsohn A., Froehlich K., Mayer F., Prevalence of Achilles and patellar tendinopathy and their association to intratendinous changes in adolescent athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports (SJMSS), 2015, vol. 25(3), e310-8
  • Cassel M, Carlsohn A, Froehlich K, John M, Riegels N, Mayer F: Tendon Adaptation to Sport-specific Loading in Adolescent Athletes. Int J Sports Med. 2015 Oct 28. DOI 10.1055/s-0035-1559772 [Epub ahead of print]
  • Cassel M, Wienand A, Mueller J, Stoll J, Mueller S, Otto C, Bittner R C, Mellerowicz H, Mayer F: Belastungsabhängige Segmentstabilität im Funktions-MRT bei Nachwuchsathleten mit Spondylolisthesis mit und ohne Rückenschmerzen. Sports Orthop. Traumatol. 2015; 31: 220-227.
  • Intziegianni K, Cassel M, Froehlich K, Engel T, Mayer F. Measuring Achilles Tendon Length: A Simple and Reliable Method. Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology Sport-Orthopädie - Sport-Traumatologie, 31, 4, Nov. 2015, pp. 260-266, ISSN 0949-328X,
  • Intziegianni K, Cassel M, Koenig N, Mueller S, Froehlich K, Mayer F. Ultrasonography for the assessment of the structural properties of the Achilles tendon in asymptomatic individuals: An intra-rater reproducibility study.  Isokinetics and exercise science, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 263-270, 2015. DOI: 10.3233/IES-150586
  • Kopinski S, Engel T, Cassel M, Froehlich K, Mayer F, Carlsohn A: Ultrasound Applied to Subcutaneous Fat Tissue Measurements in International Elite Canoeists.  Int J Sports Med 2015 (DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1555857)
  • Risch L, Kopinski S, Cassel M, Mayer F: Acute effect of running exercise on blood flow in asymptomatic Achilles tendons examined with Doppler ultrasound. European J Sport Medicine 3(S1) 2015 p55
  • Uc A, Olivier AK, Griffin MA, Meyerholz DK, Yao J, Abu‑El‑Haija M, Buchanan KM, Vanegas Calderón OG, Abu‑El‑Haija M, Pezzulo AA, Reznikov LR, Hoegger MJ, Rector MV, Ostedgaard LS, Taft PJ, Gansemer ND, Ludwig PS, Hornick EE, Stoltz DA, Ode KL, Welsh MJ, Engelhardt JF and Norris AW. Glycaemic regulation and insulin secretion are abnormal in cystic fibrosis pigs despite sparing of islet cell mass. Clinical Science. 2015. 128, (131–142).



  • Cassel M, Stoll J, Mayer F: Tendinopathien der unteren Extremität im Sport. Sportverl Sportschad 2015; 29: 87-98 (aktualisierte Version der Erstpublikation aus Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie up2date. Juni 2012; 3(7): 167-183.