The professorship sportsmedicine & sportsorthopedics forms an education institution together with other professorships (Department Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften).
Offered degree courses:
- Bachelor- und Masterstudium im Fach Sport (Lehramt)
- Bachelorstudium „Sporttherapie und Prävention“
- Bachelorstudium „Sportmanagement“
- Masterstudium/Promotionsstudium "Clinical Exercise Science" [Regulations in CES]
Lectures will cover the basics in anatomy, physiology and the adaptation reactions to physical activity. During the further studies will be imparted the knowledge in fields of sports medicine (e.g. topics from orthopedics, traumatology, internal medicine, general medicine and neurology). Based on this follows the education in more complex fields from sports and training therapy, health sports and recreational/competitive sports.