Dr. Kirill Kozhanov
- 2016 — Dr., Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences ("Balto-Slavic areal contacts in verbal prefixation", supervisor Dr. Peter Arkadiev) in Historical-Comparative, Contrastive and Typological Linguistics
- 2010 — Diploma in Russian lingsuitics and literature, Lomonosov Moscow State University
E-mail: | kozhanov(et)uni-potsdam.de |
Professional assignments
- Post-doc (Wissenschaftliger Mitarbeiter) at Potsdam University, Department of Slavic Studies (since April 2022)
- Post-doc in Romani studies, Center for Baltic and East European Studies, Södertörn University (Stockholm) (2019–2022)
- Research fellow (mokslo darbuotojas), Project "The Baltic Verb: Grams, Categories, Domains" (Project leader prof. Axel Holvoet) Vilnius University (2018–2021)
- Research fellow (научный сотрудник), Institute for Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (2013–2019)
Forthcoming articles
- Björn Wiemer, Kirill Kozhanov. Baltic languages and Slavic. In: Marc L. Greenberg (ed.) Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. Brill.
- Peter Arkadiev, Kirill Kozhanov. Object partitive of negation: An areal perspective. In: Björn Wiemer, Peter Arkadiev, Petar Kehayov, Rogier Blokland (eds.) Convergence and divergence in the eastern Circum-Baltic Area: A triangulation approach. Vol. 1. De Gruyter.
- Björn Wiemer, Kirill Kozhanov. Language contact in Lithuania. In: Jeroen Darquennes, Joe Salmons, Wim Vandenbussche (eds.) Language contact: An international handbook. Volume 2. De Gruyter.
Published articles
- Kirill Kozhanov. Finite to non-finite through impersonalization: The emergence of an infinitive in Russian Romani. Journal of language contact 17 (4), 703–726. https://doi.org/10.1163/19552629-01704004
- Peter Arkadiev, Kirill Kozhanov. 2023. Borrowing of morphology: With a case-study of Baltic and Slavic verbal prefixes. In: Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulàlia Bonet & Antonio Fábregas (eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119693604.morphcom011
- Alexey Lyavdansky, Kirill Kozhanov and Maria Ovsjannikova. 2023. The Girl in the Ape’s House: A folktale in a North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic variety of Urmiya, Russia. Journal of Semitic Studies, https://doi.org/10.1093/jss/fgad010
- Matras, Yaron, Baló, Márton A., Kozhanov, Kirill, Leggio, Daniele Viktor and Wiedner, Jakob. 2022. Romani. In: Lenore Grenoble, Pia Lane and Unn Røyneland (eds.), Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/10.1515/lme.18104356.
- Kozhanov, Kirill & Anette Ross. 2022. Verbal modifiers in areal perspective: The case of Latvian Romani. Kalbotyra 75, 82–106.
- Perkova, Natalia & Kozhanov, Kirill. 2022. Towards the Corpus of Latvian Romani Texts: Deciphering the Manuscripts in Jānis Leimanis' Archive. In: Karl Berglund, Matti La Mela, Inge Zwart (eds.). Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022). Uppsala, 381–389.
- Kozhanov Kirill. 2021. Pluractionality in Lithuanian: A tale of two suffixes. Baltic linguistics 12, 323-347. https://doi.org/10.32798/bl.927
- Kirill Kozhanov, Mikhail Oslon. 2020. Romani and Slavic. In: Marc L. Greenberg (ed.) Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. Brill.
- Kirill Kozhanov, Peter Arkadiev. 2020. (Non-)agreement of passive participles in South-Eastern Lithuanian. Baltic linguistics 11, 215–239. https://doi.org/10.32798/bl.701
- Kirill Kozhanov, Björn Wiemer. 2019. A token-based investigation of verbal plurality in Lithuanian dialects. Kalbotyra 72, 7–31. https://doi.org/10.15388/Kalbotyra.2019.1
- 2019. Каритивные конструкции в диалектах цыганского языка . Вестник РГГУ. Серия «Литературоведение. Языкознание. Культурология» 7, 33–54. (Caritive constructions in Romani dialects)
- Nau Nicole, Kirill Kozhanov, Liina Lindström, Asta Laugalienė, Pawel Brudzyński. 2019. Pseudocoordination with ‘take’ in Baltic and its neighbours. Baltic linguistics 10, 237–306. https://doi.org/10.32798/bl.365
- 2017. Studying variation in case marking: The genitive of negation in Aukštaitian dialects of Lithuanian. Baltic linguistics 8, 97–114.
- 2016. Verbal prefixation and argument structure in Lithuanian. In: A. Holvoet, N. Nau (eds.) Argument realization in Baltic. John Benjamins, 363–402.
- 2016. Аналитическое будущее время в языке русских цыган как калька с восточнославянских языков. Slověne 1, 249–262. (Analytic Future Tense in Russian Romani as a Calque from Eastern Slavic)
- 2015. Lithuanian indefinite pronouns in contact. In: P. Arkadiev, A. Holvoet, B. Wiemer (eds.) Contemporary Approach to Baltic Linguistics. De Gruyter, 465–490.
Editorial work
- Kozhanov K., M. Oslon and D. W. Halwachs. 2017. Das amen godi pala Lev Čerenkov: Romani historija, čhib taj kultura. Graz.
- Кожанов К.А., С. А. Оскольская, А. Ю. Русаков. 2013. Цыганский язык в России. Сборник материалов Рабочего совещания по цыганскому языку в России. Санкт-Петербург: Нестор-История.