Potsdam Slavic Variation Lab
Project “Database of Ukrainian dialects (DUD)”
- Description
The database is under development and has currently over 110.000 datapoints (primarily phonetics) from over 900 locations in Ukraine supplied with GPS. In collaboration with the Institute of the Ukrainian language (Kyiv). Currently funded by the Chair of Slavic Linguistics of U Potsdam.
- Maryna Tkachuk
- Lyudmyla Ryabets
Project “Perception verbs in Slavic”
- Description
This is a corpus-based project that investigates the lexical distribution and grammatical behaviour of verbs of perception across different Slavic languages and branches. Funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Project “Documenting Russian Old Believers dialects of Latgalia”
- Description
Documenting Russian dialects of Old Believers in Latgalia (Latvia); audio & video records and transcriptions. The corpus is to be created. Currently funded by the Chair of Slavic Linguistics of U Potsdam.
Project “Place names from Early East Slavic texts”
- Description
This project is an independent part of the DFG-NCN project "Interdisciplinary Hillfort Studies at the Daugava River: Merging and Decoding Archaeological, Environmental and Linguistic Data”. The aim is to produce a large-scale interdisciplinary database with the accumulation of interdisciplinary results from palaeoenvironmental, archaeological and linguistic studies in order to reconstruct the prehistorical picture of the waterway along the river of Daugava. The project is funded by DFG.
Project “DOM in Macedonian dialects”
- Description
The project focuses on the historical development of prepositional differential object marking in Macedonian dialects. Cooperation between members of the Chair of Slavic Linguistics of U Potsdam and Ss.Cyrill & Methodius University.
Project “Word order in Russian”
- Description
This project aims at identifying statistical preferences in Russian word order on the basis of automatically extracted data from Universal Dependencies corpus. Keywords: efficiency effects, definiteness & animacy. Funded by the Chair of Slavic Linguistics U Potsdam in cooperation with the Chair Slavic Linguistics of U Leipzig.
PhD project "Zavoláš mi taxíka? Discrepancies in animacy in Czech"
- Description
The project explores the expansion of DOM in Czech onto inanimate object types. The project is carried out at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Imke Mendoza but is co-supervised by prof. Ilja Seržant