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Dr. Moses März

Research Unit Collaborations, Universität Potsdam


Campus Am Neuen Palais

Academic Background

Moses März has studied political science at Free University Berlin, and African Studies at the University of Cape Town. In 2014 he joined the editorial team of the Chimurenga Chronic, a Panafrican literary magazine based in Cape Town/South Africa. With Chimurenga, he worked on issues of the Chronic, library installations and radio projects; among them Who Killed Kabila at La Colonie in Paris (2017), On Circulations and the African Imagination of a Borderless World at Manifesta 14 in Palermo (2018), imagi-nation nwar at the Bibliothèque publique d’information of the Centre Pompidou in Paris (2021), and Liberation Radio,Chimurenga’s contribution to documenta 15 (2022).

In 2016 he joined the minor cosmopolitanisms Research Training Group at the University of Potsdam to pursue a PhD dissertation in American Studies titled Édouard Glissant’s Politics of Relation: Mapping an Intellectual Movement of Marronage, which he completed in 2020. In 2018 he co-founded the independent publication project Mittel und Zweck (MUZ) together with Philipp Hege. From 2020 to 2023, Moses März taught courses in English and American Studies at the University of Potsdam, Humboldt University of Berlin and Bard College Berlin.

In 2022 a series of his large-scale, hand-drawn research maps were exhibited as part of the 12th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art curated by Kader Attia. The production of these maps was supported by a research grant from the Postdoc Network Brandenburg. In 2023 his maps were shown in various exhibitions, among them Expressionism Here and Now! at Museum Ostwall in Dortmund, The Roots of Our Hands Deep as Revolt at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Until the Sun Rises at the Albertinum in Dresden, and at several events organised by Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City/Berlin.

In the framework of the Research Unit “Collaborations”, Moses März will pursue a postdoctoral project dedicated to Pan-African practices and theories of collaboration by engaging with the life-work of Ayi Kwei Armah.

Select Publications

  • März, Moses. “Mapping Decolonial Berlin: Charting Pathways of the Relational Imagination”. International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies and kollektiv orangotango, eds. Contemporary Anti-Authoritarianism. A Handbook. 2024, pp. 234-241
  • März, Moses. “Sonne der Relation and More Postcards from a Postcolonial Museum oder Das Expressionismus Dossier”, Berlin: Mittel und Zweck, 2024
  • März, Moses. “Missing Maps: Decolonial Cartography Meets German Memory Culture”. Cambridge Journal of Visual Culture. No. 2. 2023
  • März, Moses. “The Postcolonial Pedagogy of Harry Garuba”. Josephine Alexander, Niyi Okunoye, Natasha Himmelman, Idowu Omoyele, and Bongani Kona, eds. Chants, Dreams and Other Grammars of Love. Lagos: Kraft Books 2023
  • März, Moses. “Édouard Glissant’s Intellectual Marronage into the World: Mapping a Politics of Relation”, Francosphères, vol. 11.1, 2022, pp. 39–54. DOI: 10.3828/franc.2022.4
  • März, Moses. “Karten zur Kreolisierung der Welt oder The Marvellous Arithmetics of Proximity and Distance und Decolonial Reading Notes (from Berlin)”, Berlin: Mittel und Zweck, 2022
  • März, Moses. “Mapmaking as Wayfinding: Reflections on Writing About Édouard Glissant’s Politics of Relation”. Kylie Crane, Lucy Gasser, Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss and Anna Rath, eds. The Minor on the Move. Münster: edition assemblage 2021, pp. 184-199
  • März, Moses. Édouard Glissant’s Politics of Relation: Mapping an Intellectual Movement of Marronage. University of Potsdam, 2020. DOI: 10.25932/publishup-50948
  • März, Moses. “Imagining a Politics of Relation: Glissant’s Border Thought and the German Border”, Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, vol. 56.1., 2019, pp. 49-61. DOI: 10.17159/2309-9070/tvl.v.56i1.6271