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Successful Start – The University of Potsdam Among the World’s 250 Best Universities in the International THE Rankings

The University of Potsdam has successfully made it on to the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking list. The current ranking list assesses a total of 1,102 institutions around the world, and Potsdam – Brandenburg’s largest institution of higher education – was listed in the rankings from 201 to 250. The University of Potsdam’s research received a particularly positive evaluation. There are ten German universities in the Top 100, led by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (34), the Technical University of Munich (41) and the University of Heidelberg (45). Among the 44 ranked German universities, Potsdam is ranked 21st.

The THE Rankings focus on five criteria: teaching, research, citations, knowledge transfer and international reputation. The University of Potsdam, ranked in the group from 201 to 250, is ranked closely to the universities of Hamburg, Constance, Kiel and Bochum. It is also ranked in the same cluster as its international strategic partner institutions – Tel Aviv University (201–250) and Macquarie University (251–300).
“This ranking confirms our work in recent years, in nearly every field,” says University President Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D. “I am particularly pleased that the research done here by our scholars is recognized in such an international way. We started up four Ph.D. research groups in 2016, as well as two special research fields in 2017, so we hope to continue down this path of success.”
In the fall of 2016, the University of Potsdam made the leap on to the worldwide ranking list of Jiao Tong University in Shanghai. The oldest and broadest global ranking of universities – officially called the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) – includes 38 German universities (of a total of 107). The renowned rankings perform an annual comparison of research from more than 1,200 universities and publishes the 500 best.
In addition, the current Humboldt Rankings put the University of Potsdam at 11th place among 79 ranked universities, which constitutes an improvement of six places since the last ranking in 2014 and makes the University one of the three most-improved institutions on the list. The rankings show how many scholars and scientists have come to Germany in recent years with funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and where they have spent their time doing research. In this period of time, there were 57 fellows and award winners at the University of Potsdam.

Contact: Silke Engel, Department for Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 331 977-1474
Email: silke.engeluni-potsdamde

Press Release 07-09-2017 / No. 140
Matthias Zimmermann 
University of Potsdam
Department for Press and Public Relations
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 331 977-1474
Fax: +49 331 977-1130
Email: presseuni-potsdamde

Published online by: Marieke Bäumer
Contact the online editorial office: onlineredaktionuni-potsdamde
