The University of Potsdam is more sought-after than ever before by international researchers. The current Humboldt Rankings put the University of Potsdam at 11th place among 79 ranked universities, which constitutes an improvement of six places since the last ranking in 2014 and makes the University one of the three most-improved institutions on the list. “The fact that we moved up by six places in the rankings is the result of a successful, consistent internationalization strategy that takes into account all of the University’s fields,” says Prof. Dr. Florian J. Schweigert, Vice President for International Affairs, Fundraising and Alumni. “We have delivered outstanding research achievements in several different subjects, and this makes us increasingly attractive for scientists around the world. The excellent support provided by our Welcome Center also plays a major part in drawing people to the University.” The rankings show how many scholars and scientists have come to Germany in recent years with funding from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and where they have spent their time doing research. In this period of time, there were 60 fellows and award winners at the University of Potsdam.
Visiting scholars are currently starting research stays that have been facilitated by the Foundation. Dr. Helmi Chaabene from Tunisia, for example, has come to work with Prof. Dr. Urs Granacher, the Professor for Training and Exercise Science. And Dr. Iurii Ganychenko from the Ukraine, an expert in stochastics and probability theory, will work for a year at the Department of Mathematics in Prof. Dr. Sylvie Roelly’s work group.
“I chose the University of Potsdam for my research work because it offers an optimal working environment with the right infrastructure for developing my project,” says Dr. Maria V. del Valle, who has been working with Martin Pohl, Professor for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics, since November 2016. In the coming months, she wants to advance her research on particle acceleration in the bow shocks of stars. “It was easy to settle in here,” says Dr. del Valle, who comes from Argentina’s Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomie in Pereyra. “I received a sincere welcome and the working conditions are outstanding. We scientists are used to working in international teams.”
The Humboldt Ranking is an indicator of a university’s quality and reputation because scientists and scholars choose their own host institutions. The University of Potsdam has become an international community with many faces. Along with students from all over the world who are here for a semester abroad or who have enrolled in a full bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral program, numerous researchers from abroad add to the University’s existing international flair. The University has set a goal to continue encouraging this development and to further expand and improve its welcoming culture.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Florian J. Schweigert, Telephone: +49 (0)331 977 1406;
Marita Böhning, Telephone: +49 (0)331 977 4190
The complete rankings and more information are available at:
Press Release 01-09-2017 / No. 136
Petra Görlich
University of Potsdam
Department for Press and Public Relations
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 331 977-1675
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Published online by: Marieke Bäumer
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