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Appeal for donations of the University of Potsdam

University of Potsdam Sets Up Emergency Fund for Students Affected by Ukraine War

The University of Potsdam is asking for donations for all international students who are facing financial hardship due to the war in Ukraine. The emergency fund set up with the help of your donations is intended to help affected students cover their current living expenses and continue or complete their studies.

Each contribution matters and is a sign of our university’s solidarity. We call on all members of the university, donors, alumni, and friends to participate within their means by making a donation. Please act as our ambassadors by talking about this appeal to all your friends, relatives, or members of your organization.

Your donations will be collected in a bank account of the University Society (“Universitätsgesellschaft”) of the University of Potsdam and will be disbursed quickly and unbureaucratically as interim financial aid to students. We sincerely hope that you will join us in supporting this emergency fund and that with your donation, you will set an example of solidarity with all people who are currently worrying about families and friends in the war zone.

Purpose of donation “Notfallfonds Uni Potsdam” (please include as a reference)

Universitätsgesellschaft Potsdam e.V.
Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE15 1207 0024 0327 0170 00